Author Topic: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?  (Read 18292 times)

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Offline mootoxybb

Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« on: April 06, 2013, 09:29:09 pm »
Have a Garmin 62s which holds 2000 waypoints.  I deleted most of the info like hotels, etc. to narrow waypoints to under 2000.  I loaded the entire route on my Garmin but can only view the last loaded map even though I downloaded all the maps to the Garmin.  Not sure what's going on, I used Map Source and the ACA Divide gps waypoints and routes.  I do have an NT North America in the sd card slot, but the internal memory should handle this entire route without affecting the sd card.  What the heck am I doing wrong?
Thank You for your help...

Offline mdxix

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2013, 11:44:16 pm »
Exactly how did you load the routes from MapSource to 62s?

Try any and all of the following:
  • Use BaseCamp. MapSource is discontnued. The last update was from more than two years in October 2010.
  • Load files manually from your computer to the 62s. From BaseCamp or MapSouce, save a GPX file of each route. Then copy the files onto a folder called "GPX" on the 62s.
  • Copy routes without their waypoints.
    • In MapSource or BaseCamp, for each route, choose to "recalculate" that route. Then save it as GPX, and copy as in step 2 above.
    • Otherwise, when you do a transfer from within MapSource or BaseCamp, select only the "routes" option. This should not use any of waypoints memory on the GPS unit. Of course you can then use that memory to load points of interests for hotels, restaurants, and others.
    • Review the route after you "recalculate" it to make sure it is still following the intended route. Otherwise, adjust manually or revert to straight lines between route points.
Does any of this work?

Offline mootoxybb

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2013, 02:31:11 pm »
Hello, thanks for your reply.  I downloaded Base Camp.  I then uploaded the whole Divide route with waypoints to my computer under MY Collection in Base Camp.  The extension is gdb not gpx.  Do I just rename it as gpx instead of the gdb extension?
Might need to be walked through this.  What happened the first time was I could only view the last map I loaded.  EX.  the last file I downloaded from the ACA gps map of the route, even though I loaded all the maps into my gps I could only view the last one I loaded not all of them.
Also is it best to just load the route or should I load the waypoints and routes?
Thank you for your help.

Offline mdxix

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2013, 12:02:35 am »
I will try my best to walk through loading the files step by step. Send me some feedback what is working & what is not.

The steps below are using BaseCamp v4.1.1 on Mac computer.

  • Connect your Garmin GPS unit to the computer. It should now appear as an external storage drive. Two drives may appear in case you have an SD card inserted in the unit.
  • Back in BaseCamp software, filter My Collection to routes:
    • Select My Collection
    • In the box at the bottom left corner of the screen, locate the "gear" symbol next to the title My Collection
    • Select the gear symbol
    • Select View Detailed Data List from the menu
    • Select Routes from the menu of choices at the top
  • Locate the route or routes you want to load on the unit. You can also select all. For a start to keep it simple and check that it worked, choose two or three. For example, from the first Great Divide file GD01V009.gpx select the first three routes: M011A1, M011A2, and M011A3.
  • Right-click on the three routes.
  • Select Send to Device from the menu.
  • Choose to transfer the routes only or with their waypoints. The choice depends on how you want to manage the route. I leave this as a separate discussion to review separately. For the purpose of this discussion, choose routes only without waypoints. It does not make a difference to the result.
  • Once the transfer is complete, quit BaseCamp and eject your GPS unit properly. This will make sure all the data was transferred.
  • Voilà. The files should now be on your GPS unit.
Turn on your GPS unit and look for the routes. Do you find all three routes? Try the same with more routes. Do you see them all?

Offline mootoxybb

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2013, 09:59:42 am »
Hello again, it appears they are all in there, I only added the routes as you suggested.  Is there a way to make the route when it comes up on the GPS in order?  Right now it is in no specific order, not even alphabetical, appears to be random #'s that do coincide with the route numbers.  Also the file extension coming from ACA is gdb not gpx.  Do I need to convert these to gpx and if so how?  You've been extremely helpful.
Thank you for your time and walking me through this.

Offline TokyoNose

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2013, 12:16:18 pm »
Substitute "etrex 30" for "62s", and "Trans Am" for "Divide Route", and I am in nearly the same situation as Bill, the OP.  Thank you very much for the step-by-step instructions.  I am following this thread closely.


Offline mdxix

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2013, 09:14:40 pm »
This is great news Bill that you were able to see all three routes. Please try to load more or all of the routes. Any problems? I believe you should be able to see all of them.

I noticed that BaseCamp is transferring the waypoints along with the routes in the GPX, regardless of selecting or not selecting that options when transferring the routes to the GPS unit. We shall cover that separately as needed to save on memory.

Right now it is in no specific order, not even alphabetical, appears to be random #'s that do coincide with the route numbers.

What order are the routes displayed for you? Can you list them? On my Garmin Edge, they are indeed alphabetical as follows: M011A1, M011A2, and then M011A3. How about when you load more routes: are they still in random order?

Also the file extension coming from ACA is gdb not gpx.
I am puzzled by your question about the GDB file from ACA. Where did you get them from? As far as I can see, all the GPS files on ACA web page are indeed GPX files. This is how I get them:
  • Navigate to ACA web page
  • Select Routes & Maps from the menu on the left
  • Select Great Divide from the menu on the right
  • Select gps from the first item on the list of sections
  • Agree to the terms
  • Download the route as
  • Expand the content of this file
This should yield a set of folders each of them containing a GPX file. Do you not see the same?

Offline JHamelman

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2013, 08:49:34 am »
mdxix said:
I am puzzled by your question about the GDB file from ACA.

My best guess on the answer to this is that when the OP opened, edited and saved the files in Mapsource, they became the native file type: gdb. To get gpx files from Mapsource, I believe you must do a Save As.


Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x205

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline mootoxybb

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2013, 11:16:59 am »
Hello, well I'm loading the ACA GDMBR gps info. onto an micro sd card on my 62s unit.  I just loaded the 1st map.  Here's what comes up on the gps screen.  When I go to routes it shows the route but it's backwards, in other words I need to scroll down to the bottom to get to the first route, not sure why this is and can't seem to change it, any ideas?
Map Source is what converted the gpx to gdp.  Once I loaded Base Camp it now comes up gpx.  It would be cool if the route was on a topo map so you could see lakes, rivers, etc.  Does anyone know if there is the GDMBR available on a topo?  I'm checking with topofusion and see what they have.  Thanks for all your help and ideas.

Offline mdxix

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2013, 02:59:33 pm »
When I go to routes it shows the route but it's backwards, in other words I need to scroll down to the bottom to get to the first route, not sure why this is and can't seem to change it, any ideas?

Is it possible that the 62s sorts the routes based on loading order? In other words, is it stacking them based on the date they were loaded onto the unit? Try loading the last route first and the first route last. Does that change the order of display?

It would be cool if the route was on a topo map so you could see lakes, rivers, etc.

City Navigator should have plenty of details about land features & commercial services. Nevertheless, should you still prefer to add topographic maps, the most direct way is to purchase these maps and add them to your unit. Add the maps to your City Navigator SD card or to the unit directly. You just have to be very careful in managing the memory & storage availability.

A better option is to purchase a new SD card, copy the content for City Navigator, and then add the topo maps.

Garmin just released Topo US 100K. Purchase the DVD or download a copy for more flexibility. You can select the tiles that you need from that map and copy them to the unit.

Offline mootoxybb

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2013, 09:30:29 am »
Hello, well I've kinda given up on getting these routes for the Great Divide in order, no matter how I load them they aren't in order.  It could be that I'm using a sat connection for my computer, Garmin says this could be an issue.  Anyway I just purchased a Garmin edge 800 and will see how that goes.  I do appreciate everyone's help and will let you know how the Edge works for loading these maps.

Offline mdxix

Re: Garmin 62s, can't view the Divide route after loading, help?
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2013, 08:45:35 pm »
 8)  8)  8) Cool cool cool.

I just got my Edge 810 as well—still playing with it. I look forward to exchanging experience with you.