Author Topic: Want to ride Salt Lake City to Cedar City but can find no established route  (Read 4549 times)

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Offline benngresham

Has anyone who has ridden this have any advice or suggestions on a route for me. I have been looking over maps and am considering a few options but none of them look too promising right now.

Offline JHamelman

Have you looked at any of the resources from the Utah Department of Transportation page?,V:11,

It looks like you might be able to put something together from that.


Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x205

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Offline Bclayden

If a desolate and remote route with no services for 100 miles is your thing then go by way of Delta (134miles from SLC if I remember).  Not particularly scenic either but despite my description I had a wonderful day that day...until I hit the massive suburban sprawl of SLC.  Delta-SLC was the last day of my Calif.-SLC ride last summer. 

I followed the Route 68 out on the West side of Utah Lake...not much shoulder but a pretty quiet road.  Route 6 over the summit to Eureka takes you to's a remote road with very little traffic.  If this mileage is too much for 1 day I think Eureka might have a motel or camping but past that I don't recall much..not even a gas station for 90 or so miles.

Hope that helps...

Offline roadrunner

A nice route you could take most of the way is US-89.  It is somewhat out of a direct line between Salt Lake City and Cedar City, but south of Provo it's a very nice route to tour.  You could finish by taking UT-14 from Long Valley Junction to Cedar City.  Highway 89 has nice scenery, not much traffic, and many small towns along the way.  I rode it about 10 years ago.  The Salt Lake City to Provo portion wasn't real nice, but from Provo south it was great.