Author Topic: Northern Tier Section 9, Map 116, May 2013  (Read 5323 times)

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Northern Tier Section 9, Map 116, May 2013
« on: May 10, 2013, 02:10:19 pm »
A bridge is being repaired on Strecker Rd. between SR 269 and Billings Rd. (W. of SR 4).  The construction is estimated to be finished in late May.  While the road is closed, use the following detour:

Ignore the last turn (I) at the end of Map 115 and stay on S. Ridge Rd./CR 175.  Starting Map 116: 0(0 km)Continue on S. Ridge Rd.\CR 175. *3.5(6)Bend right following Portland Rd.\CR 175.  *6(10)Turn right onto Billings Rd. *7.5(12)Turn left onto Strecker Rd.  Rejoin route on map 116.

*18(29)1.5 mi. after SR 4, turn right onto Billings Rd. *19.5(31)Turn left onto Portland Rd.\CR 175. *22(35)Bend left following S. Ridge Rd.\CR 175. 25.5(41)Rejoin route on map 115.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 02:55:07 pm by mthompson »
Melissa Moser
GIS Analyst/Cartographer
Routes Dept.
Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle.