Author Topic: Anyone know about Steven P.?  (Read 5310 times)

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Offline ronnie421

Anyone know about Steven P.?
« on: May 25, 2013, 12:00:01 pm »
Does anyone here know the whereabouts of Steven P? He is the cyclist that did a cross country tour in 2011.  He was very heavy into drugs and turned his life around and was starting a book.  Does anyone here actually know him? I tried to reach him sometime back after he sent me an email to check up on my weight loss but I never got a reply.  Just hoping he did not fall off the wagon again.  His last activity here was in late 2011. 

Offline John Nelson

Re: Anyone know about Steven P.?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2013, 11:53:52 pm »
You are referring to Stephen Plummer. He rode 3400 miles in 5 months in 2011 before taking a train home. You can try to email him at stevenp at integra dot net. He left you a message over at CGOAB on March 6, 2012, to which you responded on September 29, 2012.

Offline ronnie421

Re: Anyone know about Steven P.?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2013, 10:13:46 pm »
Thanks John... Will do. Yes thats the last time I ever heard from him.  Havent heard from him since. But I'll try to reach him there. Thanks!