Author Topic: Android App to view GDMBR gpx  (Read 20893 times)

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Offline djbrooks

Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:36:23 pm »
I'm looking for an Android App to view the ACA gpx files of the GDMBR, overlaid on a GPS map indicating my position relative to the route. I mainly want to use it when I come into population centers to find my way through and as a supplement to the paper maps. It would be nice to have the offline capability. I've looked at a bunch, but none seem to be satisfactory. Maverick, OruxMaps, Backcountry Navigator, Gpsies, ViewRanger, GPX Viewer, MapswithMe, MyTracks, EveryTrail...none seems to fit the bill. Anyone out there have any experience or suggestions?

Offline mdxix

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2013, 11:33:36 pm »
What is it about those apps that did not "fit the bill"?

Is it mainly the offline capability? Many apps require internet connection to display the map. Without a data connection, they display the GPX route and your location on a black background without the map (unless some portion of it is already cached in memory). At least this is the case when I tested on iPhone. Does that work for you?

What other features are you looking for?

Offline djbrooks

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2013, 09:35:40 am »
#1 priority would be to load the ACA gpx file on the phone and see it on a map with my current location to see if I'm on track. I'd be satisfied if I could only do this when I have an internet signal although it would be nice if I could do it with a GPS signal.
#2 priority would be to have the capability of storing some maps with gpx tracks offline.  I've got Maverick Pro and have imported the gpx files but can't see them when I go to the map.  :(

Offline mdxix

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2013, 10:55:46 pm »
#1 priority would be to load the ACA gpx file on the phone and see it on a map with my current location to see if I'm on track. I'd be satisfied if I could only do this when I have an internet signal although it would be nice if I could do it with a GPS signal.
I read about the Maverick Pro app you reference. I also watched their instructions video. I do not find any options in it for loading custom GPX tracks.

I searched for other apps that can load GPX tracks. I found the following:

I have tried this on my iPhone with two apps. They both seem to work fine without data connection:
In both apps, I followed these steps:
  • Loaded multiple files into the app using a data connection
  • Turned off mobile data & WiFi
  • Navigated the route on the screen, even though in some sections the map was blank as the phone could not download the map data.

Can you try one of those apps? How does it work for you?

#2 priority would be to have the capability of storing some maps with gpx tracks offline.  I've got Maverick Pro and have imported the gpx files but can't see them when I go to the map.  :(
I am not sure how to do that, except trying to cache some maps in memory while using the apps listed for #1 above.

To view maps online, try map apps like TomTom, although this is designed for cars and does not overlay the GPX track.

Offline djbrooks

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2013, 06:43:22 pm »
I found that if i choose Waypoints instead of Tracks, I am able to see the ACA gpx files in Maverick!

I will try the two apps you suggest also.

I also came across a nice iPhone app call TrackMyTour used by @ridedivide to create an online map of your journey for friends and family to follow along. It's a very nice app. It lets you create Waypoints offline, and submit later when you are connected. It will post to Twitter and Facebook too. Wish it was available in Android.

Offline mdxix

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2013, 01:13:10 am »
I found that if i choose Waypoints instead of Tracks, I am able to see the ACA gpx files in Maverick!
Indeed, Maverick does appear to support points of interest but not routes or tracks. Perhaps at a later release?

Please update this forum with your findings. There has been much interest in such apps. Your feedback will be appreciated.

Offline djbrooks

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2013, 09:25:42 pm »
I was able to download the entire route from Paula & Scott's site:
File: "TourDivide2012_v2.gpx - Tour Divide 2012 "official" [GPX format, 1.6MB]"

I then downloaded it to my Google Drive and then opened the Track in Maverick. It worked!

I also uploaded the same gpx file to Google Maps in My Places clicking Create and Import. It doesn't display in one long track but multiple pages.
This is the link:

I can now see the whole route on the Google Maps android app by going to Layers, My Maps,  and clicking on the file I uploaded into My Places in Google Maps on my laptop.

Offline mdxix

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2013, 10:16:20 pm »
This is good to know. I am now curious why you were able to see this track but not the one from ACA. I will look into it some more.

Offline newfydog

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2013, 08:54:41 am »
The topofusion tracks are by far the best GPS data for the Great Divide.  They have sufficient detail to sort out any recent logging road, something waypoints are useless for.

I load them into a Garmin, but I have found the iphone app motionx to be a very good phone app, which works well offline and and allows for downloading maps.

Offline mdxix

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2013, 02:03:55 pm »
which works well offline and and allows for downloading maps.
What is your reference here to "downloading maps"? Can it actually download enough map tiles to work offline? Does it know to automatically do that for all tiles related to the charted route?

Offline newfydog

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2013, 08:36:29 am »
sure, you can download as much basemap as there is memory in your phone.  It then becomes a layer upon which the track line is viewed.  If your location is on the line, you are on route.

I recently loaded most of OSM map of France, down to farm road detail.  With that and the track, I knew if I was 20 feet off route.

I have not found an Android app which I like as well as motionx, but I have not looked very hard.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 08:38:34 am by newfydog »

Offline gmcmonagle

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2013, 10:31:28 pm »
Wow, yes I just installed both Pocket Earth and MotionX HD apps on my mini ipad and Pocket Earth on my iphone 5 (MotionX HD isn't available for the iphone and MotionX Drive isn't the same for these purposes). Both of these programs now have the Great Divide Trail on them ...thanks to many people with adventure cyclying...The gpx files can be transferred through i tunes on a computer to your device(s). With both of these programs you can see, follow and zoom anywhere on the trail even with GPS not available and no cell signal or wifi...airplane mode / offline. Just make sure that they are saved for offline use.

As for Android Apps, I don't know.

Adventure Cycling, thanks for the GDMBR gpx. file...I've got your maps too. Should be a great compliment to each other.

Offline mdxix

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2013, 10:55:53 pm »
There is also the MotionX GPS app for iPhone.

Offline gmcmonagle

Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2013, 11:02:30 pm »