Author Topic: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?  (Read 24675 times)

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Offline tB41

Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« on: July 07, 2013, 12:55:35 pm »
As an older touring cyclist, whose dermatologist has been carving one or two squamous patches off my hide annually for the past ten years, I need to minimize overall sun exposure, which can be a chore over long rides in hot weather. L.L. Bean used to offer a loose-fitting, long-sleeve, bright-colored poly shirt with full collar (like a button-down collar with no buttons) that was a pretty good hot weather solution. But that shirt had no back pockets and is no longer offered. I'm curious if any ACA riders have come across a summer-weight, long-sleeve, poly shirt that features both a full collar and the two or three elasticized back pockets so often found on short-sleeve shirts? Thanks.

Offline aggie

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2013, 01:28:28 pm »
There is a company called Club Ride that makes a good looking long sleeve shirt called Go Long that may fit your needs.  Not sure if a LBS will stock them but you can order online. 

Offline Old Guy New Hobby

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2013, 04:14:21 pm »
I'm in the same boat, except they've only been hacking on me for 3 years.

Not all long sleeve shirts offer SPF protection. Read all the fine print. UA (Under Armor) offers a long sleeve T with SPF in a fabric optimized for warm weather (but of  course, no pockets). I use them in temperatures over 90 degrees and high humidity. They work reasonably well. The sleeves are a little long, which is good because that lets them cover me down to the gloves. I'm not exactly sure what the differences are between UA's "Warm Weather", "Normal", and "Cold Weather" fabrics.

I never found anything that covers my legs, but so far my legs haven't had any problems. I've been considering some kind of a cover for the back of my neck and ears, but I haven't come up with any ideas that don't seem completely dorky. I once saw a gentleman with a home-made wide brim that turned his helmet into a sun hat. He didn't want to stop, so I didn't get much information other than to see the rig. So far, I've only thought of trying to do something like that. In the mean time, I favor country roads with tall trees, which is a good idea for hot weather in any event.

Offline aggie

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2013, 05:47:04 pm »
The ACA store sells a Canari long sleeve jersey with a SPF of 30.  They also sell a club ride jersey but no SPF is listed.  The club ride jerseys have two zippered pockets but don't know if they will hold water bottles.

Offline mdxix

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2013, 06:55:38 pm »
I usually reach out to one of many options that ExOfficio offers. Here is an current offering for this season: 1/4 Zip Long-Sleeve Shirt with UPF 50+ rating.

Offline driftlessregion

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2013, 10:46:27 pm »
No back pockets, but seersucker is hard to beat in hot weather. Lands End surprisingly doesn't have 'em right now but REI has a number wicking and/or SPF long sleeve shirts

Offline awbikes

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2013, 11:35:44 pm »
Tb41, from your post I gather you prefer loose fitting shirts over traditional close fitting cycling shirts. If thats correct I respect you opinion. I too resisted wearing traditional cycling shirts but finally gave in. For me they breathe well have a cooling effect and the rear pockets are indispensable. I typically buy them in a short sleeve and wear arm shades. The advantage is, one set can be worn with any shirt of your choosing. As far as their effectiveness; I live and ride in Florida in 98 degree heat, can not stand sunscreen and don't use it. My Pearl Izumi (white) arm protectors are comfortable and do not feel warm and if anything shade my arms and produce a cooling effect by the process of evaporation. When I go into an establishment I forget I'm even wearing them. I have tried the baggy long sleeve fishing type shirts and I feel the sweat running and the shirt feels sticky and miserable. Do I think I look weird with the skin tight arm protectors? Yes, but they ABSOLUTLEY work. Incidentally m wife wears Canari brand and they work well also. Just be sure and get the light weight sun shades and not heavy black winter arm warmers. Sorry for the shift in topic but I though it may help.

Offline tB41

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2013, 10:02:51 am »
I'm in the same boat, except they've only been hacking on me for 3 years.

Not all long sleeve shirts offer SPF protection. Read all the fine print. UA (Under Armor) offers a long sleeve T with SPF in a fabric optimized for warm weather (but of  course, no pockets). I use them in temperatures over 90 degrees and high humidity. They work reasonably well. The sleeves are a little long, which is good because that lets them cover me down to the gloves. I'm not exactly sure what the differences are between UA's "Warm Weather", "Normal", and "Cold Weather" fabrics.

I never found anything that covers my legs, but so far my legs haven't had any problems.

Thanks for your UA suggestion. Actually, I just came across an item that works well for covering lower legs: Pearl Izumi's "Sun Knees," similar to leg warmers, but in white and very light and stretchy (and cool), they tuck under hem of standard length spandex bike shorts and carry down over top of your socks and actually stay in place. They retail for $30. but can be found on-line for $25 or less. I had been wearing baggy knickers over Louis Garneau undershorts with pad, which together never were as satisfactory as conventional bike shorts.

Offline bogiesan

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2013, 10:05:36 am »
I enjoy my Pearl Izumi sun skins. However, I ride a recumbent so my exposure is slightly different. My most powerful sun protection is in the form of a Lycra skin that covers most of the bike.

I have also found the combination of a light sunscreen and a conventional longsleeve jersey to be adequate for most of my desert riding.
I play go. I use Macintosh. Of course I ride a recumbent

Offline sedges

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2013, 02:20:39 pm »

I really like this shirt.  White is reflective and visible.  I have been comfortable riding in this shirt in 90F.  The old version had a collar that protected the back of your neck, but I am unsure about the current one.  I usually have wet bandana over the back of my neck in the heat.

Offline Joe B

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2013, 09:24:01 pm »
I got one of these last week and it already is in the primary rotation for my touring gear. Highly recommended..

ATD Men's Urban Pedal Pushers UPF 50+ Commuter Dress Shirt

Offline zerodish

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2013, 07:59:03 am »
I buy silk usually at a thrift store. It is available in very light weight. Bacteria does not grow in silk it is the first thing to dry in the dryer and you may decide to put it on wet. Silk takes up little room you could stuff one in a seat bag. You should also consider winter silks as an under shirt.

Offline JayH

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2013, 10:34:30 am »
there are some inexpensive UV blocking arm sleeves specifically made to block the sun, so you could use any short sleeve jersey.  Sugoi makes a pair that I've seen but there are cheaper ones found online... Most of them are white (for obvious reasons) and generally they breathe fairly well.  They are not the same as arm warmers which are thicker and meant to provide warmth.


Offline gpshay

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2013, 12:35:50 am »

Offline SlowAndSlower

Re: Recommended Long-Sleeve Touring Shirts?
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2013, 01:27:00 am »
Riding the TransAm I met a fellow who swore by Cabela's or Brass Pro "fishing shirts" made for being on the water and in the sun all day. My observation was they had great airflow while riding.