Author Topic: Fenders and tires for a Surly Disc Trucker with 26" rims  (Read 23601 times)

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Offline Greg in MO

Re: Fenders and tires for a Surly Disc Trucker with 26" rims
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2013, 04:03:57 pm »
Your stock tires will work just fine on the towpath.  I seem to recall that it is very slightly downhill if you go north to south, but it really isn't enough to matter.  If you aren't doing the Allegheny Passage as well then it should be a pretty straightforward trip.  Are you planning on camping?  If so that may affect you decision based on distances to campsites and how long you want your days to be.  Otherwise, that leaves which end is easier for you to get to/get picked up from, basically. 

Best of luck!


Offline johnwilldo

Re: Fenders and tires for a Surly Disc Trucker with 26" rims
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2013, 09:34:15 pm »
Thanks for the input.  My plan is to do both the C & O and the Allegheny Passage.  I plan on being self sustained and camping most nights.  I am also in no hurry and do not have a time schedule.  There is are many historical things to absorb that I missed while napping in highshool US History classes.  Somehow it is more interesting now.  I think I will stick with the stock tires and see how they perform.

Offline AdventureRide

Re: Fenders and tires for a Surly Disc Trucker with 26" rims
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2013, 06:11:37 pm »
We did the C & O (for the second time) in early June at the beginning of our cross country ride.  We were on a loaded tandem sporting 35mm tires (the biggest I could get under the fenders).  We caught some hard rain beginning our third day out.  The further you get from D.C., the worse the path becomes.  It got to be a real mess and we finally bailed to pavement the last few miles before we got to Cumberland, MD.  Bigger would definitely be better for the rocks, roots and ruts that you'll encounter.