Author Topic: Road bike for touring??  (Read 34835 times)

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Offline paddleboy17

Re: Road bike for touring??
« Reply #30 on: February 12, 2014, 10:40:00 pm »
If you can afford a Cf road bike, I am guessing that you can afford to add a Surly Long Haul Trucker or it's equivalent to your fleet.  I don't think you current bike will do what you want unless you are ultra light weight with your gear.  Trailers do work, but they work best with a long wheelbase bike that can take and dampen the loads of the trailer.

I am reminded of the saying, "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".


Offline mzimmerm

Re: Road bike for touring??
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2014, 11:33:01 pm »
Fair enough.
I was just hoping to save the expense of another bike.
Do you recommend the Surly? I AM an REI fan and a member. Will this bike effectively hold the panniers and the gear that I need for a 1 month long trip? I assume you prefer panniers versus the trailer? (I have seen this pretty consistently).
Is it geared sufficiently for the climbs on the Calif coast?
This is our first LONG trip as a couple. We WILL focus on traveling light as we have heard over and over.....but.....

Offline paddleboy17

Re: Road bike for touring??
« Reply #32 on: February 13, 2014, 06:53:18 am »
I said Surly LHT or equivalent.  There are lots of threads devoted to the merits of the different sub $1500 touring bike.  I would start there.

There are also threads devoted to panniers vs trailer.  I have done both and prefer a trailer off road and panniers on road.

Sounds like you need to budget for two bikes, a his and hers combo so to speak.  You also need to research gear.  Be sure to plan some trial trips.

Offline mzimmerm

Re: Road bike for touring??
« Reply #33 on: February 17, 2014, 05:35:19 pm »
All fantastic advice.
Already looking at touring bikes and panniers (at REI).
I wasn't sure if I really needed a touring Bike.....until now.
I think I prefer the Novara Randonee. Shifting/Brakes/includes rack/price.....etc....all seem favorable.
Appreciate the comments.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: Road bike for touring??
« Reply #34 on: February 17, 2014, 09:32:50 pm »
The Randonee is a road bike, to my mind, that has some (limited) off road capability.  One carried me across the continent a few years ago.  Most REIs carry at least one Randonnee, and if you order by April, they can get one your size.

That said, the Fuji Touring is also a road bike with good load-carrying capability, and it has the best price for low gears among the major brands.  It's just difficult to find.

Either way, make sure you get someone who knows what they're doing to help fit you to the bike.