Author Topic: Long distance cycling/camping holiday down the east coast.  (Read 4759 times)

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Offline Elmo

Long distance cycling/camping holiday down the east coast.
« on: August 08, 2013, 01:39:23 am »
Hello community of adventure cyclists!!

Iv just moved to the east coast. It seems i have two months of free time before i start work so what better way to experience the great american outdoors and the east coast, than to cycle and camp it. (Im not from america)

Next week ill be getting a few bits and bobs in the post to finish up my touring checklist. Ill be heading off from maine on a dated ralleigh 10 speed with a bob yak trailing behind with my tent, food and a load of other stuff, hopefully ending up in miami several weeks from now. I was thinking of following the greenway route? Any bidders?

Can any of you experienced national travelers please advise me on areas, sites, campsites and anything else i might want to head towards and experience, to get the most of my tour of this part of america. Iv only been in the country a few months and havnt had much chance to soak it up yet. What things are a necessity to take with me that i might have forgotten. Im a 23 year old male, ill be riding solo, hopefully meeting people along the trail and in campsites. Is there a better way to meet people doing the same thing as i am?

Also, are there areas i might want to avoid finding myself stuck on a bycicle with a trailer in the middle of the night? Im kind of, just...going. Im not fully sticking to a route so its likely ill get lost quite a few times (which i dont really mind).

Now im talking about the whole span of maine to miami, any small detours inland a bit wouldnt be frowned upon.

All offers from anyone are welcome!

Thanks a lot in advance

« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 08:29:19 pm by Elmo »

Offline DaveB

Re: Long distance cycling/camping holiday down the east coast.
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 09:37:09 am »
If your bike is truly a 10-speed (2x5) you should consider if your gearing is low enough.  Even near the coast, there can be significant hills in New England and pulling a BOB up them with a 40" or higher low gear could be difficult.  If you go significantly inland, hills are even more certain.

Offline Elmo

Re: Long distance cycling/camping holiday down the east coast.
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 04:22:20 pm »
Aaaaah good point Dave!

Yeah its actually a 12 speed model but someone had previously put a 5 gear cassette on the back.
Even though i now spend nearly all my time in high gears, when towing a weighty trailer i may be seeking a lower gear than ever before. I guess ill have to do a trial run and if its a no go ill stop at a bike shop and get a new cassette fitted.

As you can probably tell, i havnt done much 'long distance' cycling before.

Thanks again
« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 08:28:23 pm by Elmo »