Author Topic: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!  (Read 12742 times)

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Offline alessandro66

across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« on: August 31, 2013, 06:53:59 am »
hello people.
This is my first posting.
i'm plannin to ride from NY to San Francisco ALONE with my bike
I need to go trhough the  main cities
where there are biggest Italo American Communities

The main states of the Tour:
New York,
Nuovo Messico,
San Francisco, California, Stati Uniti

I'm trying to find a safe and the most enjoyable route,
I thought to go from
NY to Chicago and than along the Route 66

MIND: I wanna ride  60/80 miles a day.

Do you think it's a good idea?
Have you any suggestion to give me for the best routes from NY to San Francisco?
Any map to suggest?

I think to start the 4th July from NY.

Thanks and Peace
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 11:26:24 am by alessandrotedesco66 »

Offline JayH

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2013, 03:00:42 pm »
NY is a big state, you might want to narrow your location....


Offline John Nelson

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2013, 04:47:41 pm »
Here's a quick-and-dirty starting point. Go to Google maps. Ask for driving (not bicycling) directions. Put in all the cities you want to hit. Select the "Avoid Highways" option. Get directions. This will give you a route that is pretty close to what you want. You can then start tweaking from there. You might want to use the Erie Canalway Trail in NY. You might want to incorporate the Katy Trail or the TransAm in Missouri. Parts of the Southern Tier can be used through NM and AZ. Check the ACA route network map to see what parts of the ACA routes are feasible.

Offline alessandro66

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 06:40:13 pm »
Thanks John, it works.
I need to get detailed roadbook: any suggestion for maps, roadbook to buy?

Offline alessandro66

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2013, 09:38:11 am »
But, what do u think about the R66?
Is it a safe route for biking?

Offline jamawani

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2013, 10:59:33 am »
Alessandro -

Non c'è Route 66.
Si è andato.
Una memoria.

Ci sono solo brevi sezioni rimanenti.
Per lo più si pedala proprio accanto all'autostrada o anche su di esso.
Una cosa di più - il calore.

Si consideri la Lincoln Highway tra Pittsburgh e Chicago. - con mappe

Vorrei viaggiare più a nord in Occidente.
Ci sono molte città con storie italiani-americani - per esempio Rock Springs, Wyoming.

Buona fortuna - - J

Offline alessandro66

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2013, 01:33:56 pm »
Am considering the foLlowing route:
From NY the Atlantic Coast/Trans AM/Grand Rivers/Grand Canyon Connector/Western Express.  San Francisco

Offline John Nelson

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2013, 02:30:27 pm »
But you said you wanted to go through the main cities where there are biggest Italo American Communities. If you use the ACA maps, you won't go through any main cities at all. Although the ACA route combination you suggest will certainly work and will be a safe and enjoyable route, it doesn't seem to accomplish this other objective you set.

BTW, if you do use ACA routes, the Atlantic Coast, TransAm and Western Express will be enough. I don't see how the Great Rivers or Grand Canyon Connector would work into the mix.

Offline alessandro66

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2013, 04:01:57 pm »
But you said you wanted to go through the main cities where there are biggest Italo American Communities. If you use the ACA maps, you won't go through any main cities at all. Although the ACA route combination you suggest will certainly work and will be a safe and enjoyable route, it doesn't seem to accomplish this other objective you set.

BTW, if you do use ACA routes, the Atlantic Coast, TransAm and Western Express will be enough. I don't see how the Great Rivers or Grand Canyon Connector would work into the mix.

Ya, u'r right John, it's just beacuse i wanna go through the  southern tier, i mean i wanna cross Texas, Nuovo Messico, Arizona, Nevada,California.
Now i think that the best way to find the route is first of all find the main cities of my IA route!
ive found this website
where there are all State DOT bike and pedestrian coordinators! 
i think that's a good resource.

Offline John Nelson

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2013, 04:21:36 pm »
i wanna go through the  southern tier, i mean i wanna cross Texas, Nuovo Messico, Arizona, Nevada,California.
If you use the name "Nuovo Messico" in the U.S., very few will know what you're talking about, even within New Mexico.

Offline alessandro66

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2013, 04:39:20 am »
i wanna go through the  southern tier, i mean i wanna cross Texas, Nuovo Messico, Arizona, Nevada,California.
If you use the name "Nuovo Messico" in the U.S., very few will know what you're talking about, even within New Mexico.

Ya John, am sorry, i agree wid u!

Offline PeteJack

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2013, 01:01:42 am »
Pennsylvania DOT has signed bike routes that are quite useful.  In general these routes avoid busy highways and the signage, at least for Route S, is complete. This summer I followed Route S across PA from just north of Philadelphia and took the GAP up to Pittsburgh. After that I joined the Northern tier heading west. You will want to stay further south I presume. Route S is nice riding.

There were a couple of places I was scratching my head as to where the route went but I managed to resolve the issue with a bit of riding back and forth. I once asked two State Patrol officers where Route S went. They had no idea what I was talking about! After about Gettysburg (slightly off route) the hills start in earnest and get steeper and more frequent as you head west. But don't let that put you off. It's no worse than Tuscany.

BTW Philadelphia has a huge Italian community I believe


  • Guest
Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2013, 08:02:00 am »
Pennsylvania DOT has signed bike routesRoute S is nice riding.

Meh. Just did most of it from Bedford to Philly and the part that uses the GAP. Yes. The signage is excellent, and the route definitely has many wonderful moments. But there were some stretches where the traffic, which included trucks, was pretty heavy during the week. PA 234 from Bigglerville to E. Berlin was one of them. U.S. 30 from a little west of Chambersburg through the town itself and east to where it turns off on PA 234 was also busy on a weekday. PA 234 into York and then PA 452 out the other side of York was also very busy on a weekday. I even tried to beat rush hour by leaving before 7 a.m. but it didn't work. Getting through Lancaster was a bit of a trial on a Friday around lunch time. Route S also spends more time on PA 23 than you need to. I understand why they do it (The route uses state-maintained roads), but there are much quieter and scenic ways to get east of the New Holland area. Between PA 897 and Weaverland Road all the way to PA 23 via Smoketown School, Turkey Hill, Valley View and Red School Roads I encountered no cars and three Amish kids on bikes. I also encountered this menagerie apparently expecting some treats:

Up on the ridge you could see the cars rushing by on PA 23 on a late Friday afternoon.

East of Breezewood, the abandoned PA Turnpike route is a fantastic alternative to the climb on U.S. 30. You just need a good light as there are two unlit tunnels. One of them is a mile long. The roadway crown means that going east you cannot see the light at the other end of the mile-long second tunnel until you are most of the way through. My 140 lumen camping headlamp was sufficient. I simply followed the median striping. Once you leave the abandoned turnpike at Pump Station Road, it's a short climb north to rejoin the official Route S.

The entire set from Pittsburgh to Philly via the GAP to Cumberland, MD and then U.S. 220 to Bedford (Camped down the street from Cannondale) to pick up Route S:

Offline PeteJack

Re: across USA from NY to San Francisco: ROUTES HELP!
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2013, 11:43:52 am »
Indy you kept better notes than me. I didn't find route S too bad. I followed the signs which meant I missed the abandoned turnpike stretch; seems it's about as well as I didn't have a headlight and I tend to fall off my bike in dark tunnels (like I did in Glacier NP). The part that bypasses it has a very long climb I remember.

The cheapest motel of my whole trip was just off route in Bedford, $29, for a night. Not a bad room either. Incidentally the most expensive was a B & B in CT $140 discounted from a regular $175!! But we're getting off topic.