Author Topic: Map updates - GDMBR  (Read 5735 times)

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Offline sfuller

Map updates - GDMBR
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:37:30 pm »
Based on the the update times listed, it appears that the maps for the GDMBR will maybe be updated/reprinted this year or in 2014. Can anyone confirm or deny this? I am planning tackling the route in summer of 2015, and would like to start planning now, but if the maps are going to be updated and reprinted, I'll hold off buying them.



Offline John Nettles

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Re: Map updates - GDMBR
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2013, 07:49:23 pm »
Somewhere back in the cobwebs of my mind, I believe they are bringing out the updated book and the map this winter.  However, even if they do not, using the current book and/or maps will get you 90% of any altered route and then you will only have to deal with the up to 10% change.

One thing to consider is to look at alternate routes.    For instance, you are so close to Glacier National Park, it would be a shame not to ride Going to the Sun Highway, even if it is an up and back two day diversion.  You could also start in Jasper and take in the Icefields Highway (great!).  If you do not want to do the Great Basin, you could ride south from Jackson, WY to Kemmerer along Grays River Road/Little Fall Creek Rd. then a paved stretch to Rock Springs before beginning a deserted stretch of CR-4 in Colorado to Slater where you reconnect.  The point is do some research on alternatives that YOU find interesting/enjoyable.  The GDMBR will have plenty of research so you can make a decision as to what route YOU want to take in 2015.

Whatever you do, enjoy the ride!

Offline sfuller

Re: Map updates - GDMBR
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2013, 09:24:02 pm »

Thanks for the update. The 2015 date is focused on the Tour Divide race, so I won't have much opportunity for route deviation. :D I am planning on hitting a few days of the route in the summer of 2014 as an exploratory trip, so I might try and hit some alternates during that time.

Offline pickupel

Re: Map updates - GDMBR
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2013, 10:16:38 pm »
I emailed the ACA about the whether a map update would be published for the GDMBR this year, particularly in light of the damage done by flooding to the Canadian section last June. I received the following response from Melissa of the ACA Cartography Department:

Hi Ed,

Right now there is no plan to reroute the Canadian section.  From reports, there are 2 bridges out that riders seem to be having trouble with - one about 40 km north of Elkford, and one in between Elkford and Sparwood. Other than that, riders have been able to make it through most of the route, managing a few river crossings that seem do-able as long as the water is not really high. We will re-evaluate the need to reroute at our next map printing for this route.  Until then, you can follow updates from us and riders on the road at this forum topic in our Temporary Road Closures forum:;topicseen#new