Author Topic: My "new-to-me" bike!  (Read 17547 times)

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Offline Pat Lamb

Re: My "new-to-me" bike!
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2013, 07:59:50 am »
As I wrote earlier, clipless or not is a choice for every cyclist.  That said...

"Pedal the size of a nickel" doesn't match any pedal or cleat I'm aware of.  My Frogs might come closest, but the cleat is about the biggest MTB cleat you can get.  Can you explain how his pedal ended up so small when the cleat wore out?

I just can't visualize how flats would improve bike handling skills.  Can you give us an example or two?

Are clipless pedals unnecessary?  Well, in the sense you can ride a bike without them, yes.  So is a saddle.  But I'd rather have both on my bike.

Offline PeteJack

Re: My "new-to-me" bike!
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2013, 01:10:35 pm »
Are clipless pedals unnecessary?  Well, in the sense you can ride a bike without them, yes.  So is a saddle.  But I'd rather have both on my bike.
+1. People had similar complaints about multi speed gearing. If you've not used them before try clipped pedals on a stationary bike to get the hang of clipping in/out before you ride on road with them. The sensation of being stationary at, say, a traffic light and being unable to unclip is not to be missed

To the OP. You've got a good machine. After only 40,000 miles I've had to replace the headset on mine. This summer I rode 4700 miles with clipless pedals and a Brooks saddle for that matter with Panasonic RiBiMo 700 X 32 tires. It was a blast. Despite moans to the contrary you do get significantly more power from being clipped in; pulling up on the back leg is a learned skill like skiing that takes a bit of time to acquire. It don't come naturally but it is worth the effort. I use mountain bike shoes with recessed cleats they are plenty comfortable for walking.

Offline John Nelson

Re: My "new-to-me" bike!
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2013, 04:35:26 pm »
Somehow this thread turned into a clipless pedal debate. It's pretty simple actually. if you like them, use them. If you don't like them, don't use them.