Author Topic: Caribbean cycling?  (Read 10149 times)

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Offline DanKehlenbach

Caribbean cycling?
« on: November 15, 2013, 07:01:36 am »
Hello all,
My wife and I are stationed in San Juan Puerto Rico.  Cycling here is very challenging, and frankly not enjoyable at all.  Has anyone encountered any cycling-friendly islands in the Caribbean?  There are a lot of flights to the rest of the Caribbean out of San Juan and I'd love to find a getaway for some good riding.  Thanks a bunch.
All my best,
Dan K

Offline Wirelizard

Re: Caribbean cycling?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2013, 12:19:22 pm »
I know a number of people who have done cycling trips around Cuba and had a lot of fun. Apparently the cities can be a bit crazy but out in the countryside bike tourists are an interesting novelty.

This might be one of those destinations that's easier for Canadians than it is for our southern neighbours, though, which is unfortunate.