Author Topic: Calling locals in Pitsburgh - info please  (Read 9414 times)

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Offline tonythomson

Calling locals in Pitsburgh - info please
« on: November 02, 2013, 08:09:48 am »
Hi Guys
planning to ride the two trails to Washington DC in 2014. I have a couple of questions
1. I fly into Pittsburgh (coming from UK) so would like to just get into a hotel straight away.  Would the taxis at the airport take a boxed bicycle?  Or any other ideas.  Don't want to assemble bike & ride straight out after a long flight.
2. What is the best time of year?
3. Along the GA & CO Trail do the motels , B&Bs get fully booked or can one just turn up in most towns and find somewhere?
Appreciate any help
Just starting to record my trips

Offline DaveB

Re: Calling locals in Pitsburgh - info please
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2013, 08:36:26 am »
1.  There is a Hyatt Regency hotel right in the Airport that requires nothing but a short indoors walk to get to.  It's convenient but pricy. Other hotels/motels in the area have shuttle busses that will take you to them and they should have room for your bike box.  Google "Pittsburgh Airport hotels" and you will get a number of choices.

2. Mid to late summer can be a bit hot but should be dry. The GAP trail from Pittsburgh to Cumberland, Maryland is in decent shape most of the time but the C&O Canal trail from Cumberland to DC can be very soft and difficult to ride if it's wet.

3. Don't know about this but a Google search should get you their names and locations and you can contact them for details.

PM me when you have a firm schedule and I can help here in Pittsburgh.

Offline Tandem Tom

Re: Calling locals in Pitsburgh - info please
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 08:05:25 am »
I am not a local but I have ridden the GAP & C&O a few times. In fact I am leaving via train tonight to arrive in Pittsburgh tomorrow AM to ride sole down to DC. Did it last year also. A great ride!
I might suggest getting a hold of the TrailBook. Here is the link

Lots of good info.


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Re: Calling locals in Pitsburgh - info please
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 11:00:17 am »
I did the GAP in early September this year, camping. Pleasant high and low temperatures. No rain. No real bugs to mention. Started out from the Point on a Saturday. I didn't see too many people who looked like they were riding through. Of the few that did, all but one were heading north. Maybe kids being back in school had something to do with the apparent lack of through riders.. The owner of the guest house in Rockwood told me the place was totally vacant on the Sunday I stayed at his companion campground.
I drove out Friday and stayed at the Hampton Inn near the train station. Ran me around $200 for the night. I don't think they have an airport shuttle, but if you can get your own shuttle there, it's pretty close to the start.

I had originally planned to drive out Saturday and start Sunday, but I could not find an available hotel room in town for Saturday night. I think that was because of a U. Pitt football game and/or a Steelers home game. Something to consider if you go in the fall.

Offline tonythomson

Re: Calling locals in Pitsburgh - info please
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2013, 11:22:41 am »
Thanks Guys just in the planning stage at the moment but thinking of April time and continuing down to Orlando - flights home.  Any advice very welcome.
Just starting to record my trips


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Re: Calling locals in Pitsburgh - info please
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2013, 01:15:33 pm »
The Big Savage Tunnel is generally closed from December until April 10th. I suppose it could open later (or earlier) depending on conditions.  If you do Facebook, you might want to check the GAP page for updates. Also, heed what DaveB wrote about the C&) when it has been wet. I have friends who did it years ago. They had major mud problems thanks to a protracted period of rain. April showers....

Offline tonythomson

Re: Calling locals in Pitsburgh - info please
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2013, 04:11:43 am »
I have a Surly LHT that "fatties fit"  what would you guys recommend I fit wider tyres which is fine but as I intend to carry on down to Florida I would sooner ride my regular road tyres.
Just starting to record my trips

Offline DaveB

Re: Calling locals in Pitsburgh - info please
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2013, 08:56:06 am »
I have a Surly LHT that "fatties fit"  what would you guys recommend I fit wider tyres which is fine but as I intend to carry on down to Florida I would sooner ride my regular road tyres.
For the C&O Canal part of the trip I definitely recommend wider tires, particularly if the trail is wet.  You won't need knobby or heavily treaded tires but the "floatation" from wide tires will be a great benefit. 

If you use wide but relatively smooth tires, you can probably do well on them for the rest of the trip.  Use lower pressure on the trail and higher pressure on hard roads.

A more expensive approach is to buy in DC or ship there in advance a pair of narrow strictly road tires and replace the trail tires once you get to DC.