Author Topic: Northern Tier For Non Campers  (Read 12970 times)

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Offline Bry

Re: Northern Tier For Non Campers
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2013, 03:36:05 pm »
I like that quote! It's pretty much right on. I think I'll use it in my Crazyguy journal. Thanks!

Time: Told my wife 90 days but that could be more or less with out issue (says me, not she ;-)
Money: No need to nickel and dime
Goal: To cycle from RI to OR/WA enjoyably and safely

In truth, I would love to have 4 of us but putting a group together is hard work and full of potential pitfalls. Compatibility (physically and intellectually) is one issue but finding folks who can comfortably take the time off, have the financial resources, and the same goals is pretty tough. I do "alone" pretty well so it looks like a solo trip. Still, I wonder if I should post for companions and see where that goes. I know it would make friends and family happier. They all have vivid imaginations, not to mention being clueless as to bicycle culture. But that's another issue entirely.
And a mouse is miracle enough to stagger sextillion infidels.

Walt Whitman