Author Topic: Costa Rica 2015  (Read 9499 times)

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Offline wweidemann

Costa Rica 2015
« on: May 14, 2014, 07:19:24 pm »
A group of veterans of the TransAm 2013 journey are planning to go Trans Costa Rica in January. We will cover the 300 miles in two weeks (10 days in the saddle and 4 days sightseeing). This will be van supported and run at cost. We are hiring our own support team. Limit to 15 riders and two camp followers. We will have a few open slots if you want to join us. Estimated cost is $1,600 per person. Does not include restaurants (estimate $25 per day), hotel (estimate $60 per day for double occupancy) or bike rental (still negotiating with support team). If you are interested in joining us send me an email at and put Trans Costa Rican in the subject line so I don't miss it. You can also leave a comment here.