Author Topic: 2014 Key to Keys Ride (April 5th-13th)  (Read 4586 times)

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2014 Key to Keys Ride (April 5th-13th)
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:41:10 am »
Hello everyone!

Hope you all are having a great Wednesday! I work for The Ulman Cancer Fund For Young Adults, which is a non-profit that supports and educates young adults affected by cancer. One area within our organization is Support Through Sport, from which we have multiple sub programs. One of which is the Key to Keys Ride.

Key to Keys is a 1,500 mile (relay style) ride down the Atlantic Coast from Key Highway in Baltimore to Key West, Florida. The ride is limited to 30 participants, and cyclists ride anywhere between 40-70 miles each day.

The great thing about this journey is that it is not just a ride. It's not about how fast you can go or who can put the most miles in, yet it is about connecting with communities and raising awareness about 70,000 young adults diagnosed each year!

We will stop in  Virginia Beach, Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, Vero Beach, Homestead, and end in Key West!  8)

The cool thing is we stop at multiple cancer centers along the route, and connect with young adults facing cancer! It's truly an experience that can't be beat!

We still has a few spots left (5-6)! This is such a great opportunity to raise awareness about cancer in young adults, while riding some amazing routes down the east coast!

For more information check out the website:

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!  Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

Alex Wright
Ulman Cancer Fund For Young Adults
410.964.0202 x 118