Author Topic: Need Route Planning Help - E to W; Cape Cod to end of TransAmerica Trail  (Read 5473 times)

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Offline Ben the Slow

I plan on doing a solo, self contained coast to coast trip starting May or June 2014.  Plan is to do 50 to 70 miles per day.  Like options and alternatives to my prelim route (described as follows):
1- Cape Cod to Plymouth Ma then onto Webster Ma
2- pick up the Atlantic Route to Windsor Lock Ct
3- custom route to just north of Albany to pick up the Adorondack loop
4- CCW to Tigonderoga picking up the Northern Tier Route
5- NT east the Great Rivers South route
6- South on the Great Rivers Route to the intersection with the TA
7- TA to the Pacific

what do you think?

Offline staehpj1

Re: Need Route Planning Help - E to W; Cape Cod to end of TransAmerica Trail
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 07:51:07 am »
Should work, but...   Personally, I would just hop on a train, bus, or plane and start the TA starting somewhere near it's normal starting point in Yorktown.


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Re: Need Route Planning Help - E to W; Cape Cod to end of TransAmerica Trail
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 09:42:35 am »
My first thought is why go south from Webster to Windsor Locks just to have to go back north again? Why not head north from Webster to somewhere like Deerfield, MA, pick up the Green River Route of D2R2 (Deerfield Dirt Road Randonee) to Guilford VT, and then continue through VT to Shoreham where you can take a short ride to Ticonderoga.

Offline Ben the Slow

Re: Need Route Planning Help - E to W; Cape Cod to end of TransAmerica Trail
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2014, 06:40:10 am »
Thanks for the alternatives.  I want to start the ride near my home (Rhode island) so I would rather not travel to the TA start.

The Deerfield route sounds interesting, but too much of a challenge for this old, novice tourer.  I'd like to stay on pavement, with frequent services.

If anyone knows of alternatives to transitions from the NT to the AT (other then the GRS, and underground railroad) that would save me some milage I would appreciate it.

Thanks, ben


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Re: Need Route Planning Help - E to W; Cape Cod to end of TransAmerica Trail
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 12:35:42 pm »
The Green River Route of D2R2 is not hard. And the unpaved portion is not like mountain biking. You'd only be taking it one way--between Deerfied and the bridge--a distance of only 22 miles.

Pretty close to Brattleboro, where there are plenty of services.

Offline Ben the Slow

Re: Need Route Planning Help - E to W; Cape Cod to end of TransAmerica Trail
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2014, 12:50:09 pm »
Thanks Indie..I was looking at an event called the D2R2, scared me.  I will look onto the route info you providedm