Author Topic: Start date for cycling from either Boston or Portland, Maine  (Read 5214 times)

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Offline travellingfoxes

Start date for cycling from either Boston or Portland, Maine
« on: February 07, 2014, 04:42:58 am »

We are 2 Aussies who are going to ride cross country form either Boston or Portland, Maine. Our start time is getting closer and we are asking whether April 22 is an appropriate date to roll out or should we delay it to May due to weather/temps in the North East??

Thanks guys

Offline DaveB

Re: Start date for cycling from either Boston or Portland, Maine
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 08:01:14 am »
That sounds early unless you are prepared for cold weather, cold rain and possible late snow.  Even May can be a bit cold and unpleasant but is a much better bet.   

Offline John Nelson

Re: Start date for cycling from either Boston or Portland, Maine
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2014, 10:00:56 am »
Yes, it's currently cold in the U.S. But the weather in February has no correlation to the weather in April, so you really cannot use today's temperatures to predict the temperatures for your trip. If you have not made any arrangements yet and you are flexible, then yes, you'd have a higher probability of good weather if you wait. But if you've already booked your flights or this time is more convenient for other reasons, then I'd just go and hope for the best.

Offline DaveB

Re: Start date for cycling from either Boston or Portland, Maine
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2014, 12:39:53 pm »
Yes, it's currently cold in the U.S. But the weather in February has no correlation to the weather in April, so you really cannot use today's temperatures to predict the temperatures for your trip.
That's correct but my decades of experience with Northeast US weather have taught me that April can indeed be "the cruelest month" as TS Eliot said.  The chance of snow and the certainty of cold rain makes me strongly recommend against starting a bike trip in April in New England if you have any choice in the matter.   May is about the earliest I'd recommend. 


  • Guest
Re: Start date for cycling from either Boston or Portland, Maine
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2014, 03:16:14 pm »
Having spent my high school years in NW Mass., I tend to agree with DaveB. I agree even more if they will be riding the Northern Tier route through the Adirondacks, where the difference between April and May can mean sub-freezing nights vs.  nights in the low 40s and days in the low 50s vs. days in the low to mid 60s. Precipitation difference between April and May appears to be minimal. The weather up thay way during transitional periods can be surprising. We had a couple of nights with lows around 40. That was mid August. Coming from Phialdelphia, mid August to me usually meant high 80s into the 90s and very high humidity.

Offline travellingfoxes

Re: Start date for cycling from either Boston or Portland, Maine
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2014, 06:04:02 pm »
Thanks very much guys, we fortunately do have flexibility so may leave it till May to allow for possible better weather (obviously no guarantee!)


Offline jimbo

Re: Start date for cycling from either Boston or Portland, Maine
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2014, 09:36:22 pm »
This site:

with data from the past 40 years shows ave low end of April is approx. 40 in Portland and 47 in Boston.

End of May shows average lows of 51 in Portland and 57 in Boston. Knowing the range might be informative.

Based on my 40 years in western NY I would not start before May 15 unless you are can handle miserable nights setting and tearing down camp in cold and possibly wet conditions. Sleeping in a warm bag is the easy part...setting up camp, cooking, and packing in the AM I find is the test of handeling the misery.

Offline DaveB

Re: Start date for cycling from either Boston or Portland, Maine
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2014, 12:22:26 pm »
...with data from the past 40 years shows ave low end of April is approx. 40 in Portland and 47 in Boston.

End of May shows average lows of 51 in Portland and 57 in Boston. Knowing the range might be informative.
And those statistics imply that half of the time the lows will be below that average!

........setting up camp, cooking, and packing in the AM I find is the test of handeling the misery.
To say nothing of having to ride most of the day in those conditions.