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how to keep my feet warm!
« on: January 13, 2014, 02:32:52 pm »
How do you keep your feet warm? I have wool socks, I maybe put on 2 more pairs of socks (not wool) and have shoe covers. I have MBS and road shoes,depending on which bicycle I am riding, my feet feel frozen...even in 50's f fingers are OK with thick gloves and wool liners...Anything else I can do for my toes? I would love to see your comments..thanks!

Offline John Nelson

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2014, 03:20:27 pm »
I consider it very unusual for your feet to get cold at 50F with shoe covers. Many people ride in the fifties in a short sleeve jersey and shorts.

A few questions:
 - What kind of shoe covers? Are they neoprene? Or something lighter?
 - Do the shoes fit? Maybe they are so tight they are cutting off circulation? Perhaps they are strapped on too tight? Perhaps the multiple pairs of socks are making the fit too tight?
 - Are your feet sweating enough to make your feet damp?
 - Have you tried chemical toe warmers?

Offline DaveB

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2014, 04:30:00 pm »
- Have you tried chemical toe warmers?
I'm also surprised that you can't keep your feet adequately comfortable at 50°.  I'm not at all cold tolerant but neoprene shoe covers work for me down to the mid-30's.  As John also asked are your shoes too tight?  If your feet sweat a lot, plastic bags over your feet and under your socks will keep them dry.

Finally, chemical heat packs are available at any sporting goods store, ski shop or the sporting goods department of the big box stores.  They work very well and aren't expensive but are a one use item so you better buy a bunch. 

A more expensive alternative is a pair of electrically heated socks or shoe insoles.  They can use rechargeable batteries so the initial cost is the only cost.     

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2014, 05:50:27 pm »
Hmmm! Maybe they are too tight with all the socks on!
 I'm surprised when you say put plastic bags over feet under socks, I would have thought that would really make my feet sweat, it would keep the socks dry!But I can certainly try that.(I am not aware of my feet sweating)
 Yes they are neoprene shoe covers, and my shoes do  have netted holes on the on top of them,.....
So at what temps might your feet get cold? and do you still only wear 1 pair of wool (i presume) socks and shoe covers when it is really cold?
I'm going to try less socks and plastic bags! (i do have the chemical toe warmers not tried them yet)
Thanks for your suggestions!

Offline windrath

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2014, 07:51:37 pm »
I have a similar problem when temps get cooler, but it is not an issue or being cold  So...

Are your feet cold or numb?  If your feet are numb and you are attributing it to being cold, you might actually be dealing with some kind of nerve compression.  I had this when the ball of my foot was sitting directly over the cleat.  Cooler weather will make this worse.  Instead of extra socks, etc., try loosening your shoes to allow your feet to move around more thereby keeping the nerve was being compressed.


Offline John Nelson

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2014, 11:17:18 pm »
Everybody is different. Perhaps your circulation is poor. Perhaps you went out just after a big meal and all your blood was going to your stomach. Perhaps you went out without enough fuel in your body. Perhaps your shoes were too tight. Perhaps your core was in sufficiently insulated.

Here's my algorithm. Above 50 F, I wear the same on my feet as I do in the middle of summer. Below 50 F, I switch to wool socks. Below 40 F, I add neoprene shoe covers. Below 30 F, I add chemical warmers. Below 10 F, I keep the bike in the garage.

Offline bogiesan

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2014, 09:27:44 am »
Personal anecdotal evidence only: I rode the same 20 miles in the same weather conditions, about 45F, cloud cover, no sun, 8-15mph swirling winds and spitting rain. Feet were ice cold on one trip, feet were fine on the other. When I took off socks, I could see the toes were pale and pushing on the moons indicated poor circulation.
The only thing that changed on the trips was swapping out my bike shorts for a swimming suit. My conclusion, the grippers on the bike shorts were restricting micro circulation just enough to make heat transfer into and out of the extremities difficult. Might have also involved how the chamois pad interacted with the seat on my recumbent. Toes were pink and moons recovered immediately clearly indicating adequate circulation.

I only know that using unrestricted, unconfined, unpadded shorts made a huge difference.

Your issue could be, as pointed out, circulation or nerve impingement but cold feet in 50F is not normal. Could be your clothing, your bike geometry, your physiology or an underlying condition you need to get looked at and treated. Maybe not because it's a dangerous situation but because it's uncomfortable.

I play go. I use Macintosh. Of course I ride a recumbent

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2014, 05:37:11 pm »
Well thanks everyone that is all very helpful information ....I think I have been cutting off circulation and shoe straps too tight and too many layers of socks!! And check my clothing!

Offline RussSeaton

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2014, 03:47:08 pm »
At 50 degrees I wear summer shoes and cleats and socks.  Colder I will add some things.  Wool socks.  Neoprene booties.  Lake brand winter boot/shoes.  Have not tried chemical warmers yet.  When its lower than freezing, about an hour or so is all I can stand.  No matter how many layers of clothes you are wearing, you get cold.  Make the ride short and get inside.

Offline dombrosk

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2014, 12:34:54 pm »
As a Minnesota winter bike commuter I ride down to around zero.  One useful discovery I've made was nordic ski socks... smartwool and other companies make them in a variety of weights.  Because they come up over your calves they help keep the blood going to/from my feet warm.

Order of layering also makes a difference.  I'll start with bike shorts and socks.  I pull tights up over the socks to make sure there's no gapping at my ankle.  Then I'll add gore-tex pants and shoes.  Finally I put showers pass rain covers over my shoes and up and OVER the outside of my rain pants.  (Definitely don't want to do that when it's raining!)

As other's have mentioned, loose enough shoes to wiggle your toes are also important.

Happy (warm) riding!

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2014, 11:23:22 pm »
Thanks for that info!! Surely my feet will be warm now! Have not been able to put to the test yet!! And will look for better socks!

Offline freightbike

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2014, 08:55:24 pm »
Putting something warmer on your head, (helmet liner) might help too.
May the wind at your back always smell like home.

Offline kris7047th

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2014, 10:46:33 pm »
TOO many pairs of socks. Your feet are overheating .. sweating then they will freeze on you.  I don't have the best circulation, but I have found ONE pair of medium weight smart wool socks work just fine. I NEVER wear more than one pair of socks and I live in Michigan riding 20's - 30's temps and my feet stay warm (with KEEN mt shoes on too) I did buy a pair of winter Louis Garneau boots. I also wear Pearl Izumi thermal tights.  As for my head I have a 45NRTH Lung Cookie Balaclava Cycling Cap that is worn under the helmet two layers of 100% merino wool.

Offline PeteJack

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2014, 01:58:27 pm »
I have a pal with similar symptoms to yours. He has Reynauds disease You may want to see a doctor just in case. I must add that my mate is very fit and the only noticeable thing about him is that he tends to be wearing thick gloves when no one else is

Re: how to keep my feet warm!
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2014, 02:42:04 pm »
So much great information!!!! Thanks everyone !!