Author Topic: OT: Oil situation in ND in national Danish TV (Northern tier route)  (Read 6354 times)

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Offline BikeFreak

Back in summer 2000 i biked the entire Northern Tier passing through Williston, ND. A few years ago I was puzzled why Adventure Cycling had made a large detour around that area. I was told it was due to the major oil boom with lots of heavy traffic.

This evening, in Danish prime time, a 20 min documentary was shown on national TV about the situation in ND. I guess that 10% of the entire Danish population saw that program. So now a large group of at least 500000 people 5000-10000 miles away know about the situation. It is a Danish program, however it is texted with lots of English language.

I have no idea whether the link works outside of Denmark. Try it out:

I was just sad to see what has happened. I guess you cannot have both worlds ...

« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 05:37:00 pm by BikeFreak »

Offline zzzz

Re: OT: Oil situation in ND in national Danish TV (Northern tier route)
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2014, 07:57:28 pm »
The link works fine in the US, the program was well done.

All the extraction industries turn everything around them into a dump. I'm not convinced it has to be so. I think there was a lot of wisdom in the farmer couple who were interviewed in several spots who questioned why they can't slow it down a little bit and be a little bit more careful and little less wasteful.


Offline yumadons

Re: OT: Oil situation in ND in national Danish TV (Northern tier route)
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2014, 10:10:59 pm »
Thanks for posting Lucas. I remember staying at the armory in Williston on the NT.  One of my vet assistants moved there last year with her husband -  $80K/year not bad for a 20-something kid from Yuma with the country's highest unemployment rate (30.3%).  If our leaders were smart, they'd let the oilfields  turn this recession around and get us out of the middle east as a bonus.     


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Re: OT: Oil situation in ND in national Danish TV (Northern tier route)
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2014, 02:00:47 pm »

Thanks. I will look at it at home. I was a year ahead of you on ACA's '99 group NT tour. We passed through Williston and, like I am sure you did, rode Rte. 1804, although we stayed at Lewis & Clark State Park. Beautiful empty road. I and another guy on the trip stopped in Parshall for breakfast. Parshall is the place where one resident quipped a few years ago that the oil boom is creating a new ND millionaire every day.

Don't know if it's mentioned in the piece, but a side effect of the ramp up has been a marked increase in drug use, drinking, violence and prostitution. And a few weeks ago there was a firery rail accident involving Bakken crude not too far west of Fargo. Good thing it was in an areas that was far less populated than Lac Magentic, PQ.

Offline BikeFreak

Re: OT: Oil situation in ND in national Danish TV (Northern tier route)
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2014, 03:03:39 pm »

Don't know if it's mentioned in the piece, but a side effect of the ramp up has been a marked increase in drug use, drinking, violence and prostitution.

Exactly this is also adressed in the the piece. For instance it is mentioned that strip clubs make more money than in Las Vegas ...

Offline BikeFreak

Today they showed another documentary on national Danish television about the oil issue in North Dakota. There are only a few sections with Danish language alone.!/10:36
