Author Topic: Ride the Santa Fe Trail - Spetember 2014  (Read 6555 times)

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Ride the Santa Fe Trail - Spetember 2014
« on: February 03, 2014, 09:23:53 am »
Check out this ride!

Start Date:

   Leaves Santa Fe Sunday September 7, 2014

Distance:   Ride all or part of the Santa Fe Trail (approx. 1100 miles) on paved public roads only. After the first four days, riders can leave the group at any place along the route. They do not have to ride the entire distance.
These trips are non-profit, inexpensive camping trips with all gear carried by truck. All meals are provided by either schools, universities, catered, etc. No cooking is required in camps.

Cost:   $45 per day - includes breakfast & dinner, camp sites & showers, daily ride sheets & maps, and all gear carried by truck.

Purpose:   We have two objectives in organizing these non-profit trips: first, to provide a safe, fun, and inexpensive trip; second, to explore and learn about the Santa Fe Trail from Santa Fe, New Mexico to New Franklin, Missouri; learn its history and contribution to our country's western expansion; the challenges faced along the Trail; and the work currently being done to preserve historic sites along the Trail.

Contact:   For detailed printed information and an application, download using the links above, or send your mailing address to :

Willard Chilcott, Santa Fe Trail Bicycle Committee,
885 Camino Del Este, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Tel. and Fax (505) 982-1282