Author Topic: City Navigator does not follow signed bike routes  (Read 8764 times)

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Offline hamilgs

City Navigator does not follow signed bike routes
« on: February 23, 2014, 11:52:53 pm »
I have an Oregon 450 w/City Navigator, & find that when I use the routing function (get me from A to B), the system suggests high traffic roads & ignores the signed bike routes in my town.  I've checked the Setup/Routing/Activity/ and either "Cycling" or "Tour Cycling" gives the same results.  Any advice?--george
Zippered Tour Easy EX
To recline is devine

Offline mdxix

Re: City Navigator does not follow signed bike routes
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2014, 10:24:45 pm »
Are you trying to create routes while on a trip or in advance?

What are you using to create the routes? Is that on the GPS unit itself or BaseCamp?

Offline hamilgs

Re: City Navigator does not follow signed bike routes
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2014, 03:38:12 pm »
I'm routing on the Oregon, real time (not in advance-ride somewhere, then ask it to "take me home").  Just on the unit itself.
Zippered Tour Easy EX
To recline is devine

Offline mdxix

Re: City Navigator does not follow signed bike routes
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2014, 07:22:10 am »
I think you are making the best of what you have.

Here are some options to consider:
  • Have the unit correct itself with Automatic Routing turned on. As you ride, take those roads that have bicycle signs on them. The unit will recalculate the route to make sure you are still going in the general direction of your destination. This will not be most optimal route, but will improve on earlier selection.
  • Supplement the first option with another map on smart phone or paper map. Use this other map to get a general idea of the best routes back home. Take these routes as you ride. The unit will recalculate to give you detailed routing & turn prompts, while making sure you ultimately reach your destination.
  • Change the map set. Download OpenFietsMap map sets for example. These are free. You can just experiment with them. I understand that Garmin is using them, or some version of them, on their Edge Touring unit.

Offline hamilgs

Re: City Navigator does not follow signed bike routes
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2014, 08:12:11 am »
thanks md19, I had hoped the problem was (the usual) operator error, as opposed to the Garmin maps just not knowing about our local bike routes.   Sigh.
Zippered Tour Easy EX
To recline is devine