Author Topic: Cateye time & average speed funky readings  (Read 8966 times)

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Offline PeteJack

Cateye time & average speed funky readings
« on: April 13, 2014, 08:53:42 pm »
On my Cateye Enduro 8 the readings: speed, distance, max speed,  time of day all appear to be working just fine but the ride time and average speed is rubbish. On my last ride it showed a time of 35 minutes for a 35 mile ride (!) and an average speed of 1.0 mph. Sometimes the average display shows a letter E. Does anybody know what's going on? Is it just the battery running down? I've done some searching and could find nobody with the same problem. Plenty of people with iffy Cateyes. e.g. intermittent failures. But with these the problem always seems to be the whole thing going blank. I don't really care about average speed so I can live with it but I'm curious as to whether it's a symptom of a dieing device. :(

I've just been out to check it again. The irritating arrows that indicate above/below average speed no longer appear to be working. Now that I can live with.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Cateye time & average speed funky readings
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2014, 09:24:11 pm »
First, I'd replace the battery. If it's wireless, then you may need to replace more than one battery. If that doesn't fix it, then I'd take it back.

Offline Old Guy New Hobby

Re: Cateye time & average speed funky readings
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2014, 07:50:10 am »
If it's wireless, I would replace it with a wired unit.

Offline DaveB

Re: Cateye time & average speed funky readings
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2014, 08:12:33 am »
No, the Enduro 8 isn't wireless.  It may be a symptom of a weak or dying battery but since the rest of the data is correct that seems unlikely.  Still a new CR2032 is cheap and worth changing to see if it corrects the problem.  Also, clean the head and mount contacts (a pencil eraser is ideal) and see if that makes any difference.   How old is your unit?  The Enduro 8 has been out of production for years.

I have these Enduro 8 cyclometers on two bikes.  They are 7 to 8 years old and are just on their second battery each.  Neither has ever given the slightest problem as long as I keep the mount and head contacts reasonably clean but the symptoms of dirty contacts are a zero speed reading and no change in the distance reading. Pretty obvious.   BTW,  a smear of silicone grease on the contacts after cleaning keeps them clean and completely waterproof.

I've also been using these and other Cat-Eyes for over 20 years since Avocet pretty much squandered their lead in cyclometer design and none of the several I've used has ever been a problem or given erroneous readings.  The consensus of other riders I've talked to is also that they are very reliable so I expect your problem is not common.

Offline TokyoNose

Re: Cateye time & average speed funky readings
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2014, 10:56:37 pm »
Unlikely to solve this, but just for laughs, make sure that magnet is passing close enough to the sensor to register each revolution of the wheel.

Offline PeteJack

Re: Cateye time & average speed funky readings
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2014, 07:30:28 am »
 :-[ Oh the embarrassment. Somehow I'd managed to turn off the Automatic Mode for the thing. i.e. the timer keeps running until you press the start/stop button. There should be a little AT on the display. When all else fails RTFM

Offline DaveB

Re: Cateye time & average speed funky readings
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2014, 08:54:47 am »
:-[ Oh the embarrassment. Somehow I'd managed to turn off the Automatic Mode for the thing. i.e. the timer keeps running until you press the start/stop button. There should be a little AT on the display. When all else fails RTFM
Well, I'm glad it was that simple and maintains my faith in Cat-Eye cyclocomputers.  As I said above I've been using them for many years and never had a reliability problem.  Sometimes versatility (auto start vs manual start, odometer reset ability, etc.) leads to inadvertent changes and unwanted changes.  Thanks for the update.