As Pete suggests, some people like a very flexible schedule. Others like to create a more detailed plan. You have to decide which camp you fit in. I think many cyclotourists take their first trip with a plan, and then get looser as they gain experience.
Your ideas seem to still be in the early stages, so I would suggest you try to firm them up just a bit.
1. Read some forums and the "how to" section here, and the journals and forums over at to get some ideas of things other cyclotourists do and how they solve problems.
2. Read some of the gear lists over at and some of the gear suggestions here, and then start figuring out and acquiring whatever gear you feel is appropriate for you and your trip.
3. Ride some with your bike loaded with the same gear you will take on your trip.
4. Plan an overnight trip somewhere to figure out what works and what doesn't. Perhaps pick a spot about 50 miles from home, ride there on a Saturday with all your gear, stay overnight, and ride home on Sunday.
Personally, I like to plan the route and identify potential overnight stops along that route. Identify more stopping points than you need so that you can choose your actual stops according to how you feel on any given day.
Come back here and ask more specific questions as you think of them.