Author Topic: FYI: Axiom GrandTour Modular Bags (Warning?) (Solved(ish))  (Read 11370 times)

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Offline RandomGuyOnABike

So just picked up my set of axiom bags

Grand Tour 60 -
Grand Tour 30 -
Grand Tour Tent Pocket:

The tent pocket molex snaps are the small variety, the connectors on the GT60 are the large ones, therefore, the tent pocket will not connect to the GT60. Not sure why it was designed this way tbh.

Just fyi for anyone looking at the bags.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 07:04:20 pm by RandomGuyOnABike »

Offline RandomGuyOnABike

Re: FYI: Axiom GrandTour Modular Bags (Warning?)
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 04:49:53 pm »
So atm, I'm in the middle of a "bag shakedown". Small distance on a bike path. As the tent bag is top heavy, any bump on the path causes the top connector to unlock. Any heavy bump causes both of them to unlock. This leads to massive swaying on the bike.

Currently I cannot recommend the tent bag with the so called modular bags. In order to stabaluze it, I'm figuring a cargo strap "loop hole" sewed into th top part of the bag, so that I can then use a cargo strap tie-down to prevent it from swaying around when it unclips.


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Re: FYI: Axiom GrandTour Modular Bags (Warning?)
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2014, 01:15:27 pm »
That doesn't smell right to me as the description reads:

"•Can be mounted to any Modular GrandTour series bag via patent-pending Clip ‘N’ Strap system" (emphasis added.)

Can't believe they would make that statement if it were not accurate. What was your source of the equipment? Offcial dealer? eBay? Etc. Perhaps you got your hands on an older style tent bag and newer style panniers? Have you tired contacting Axiom? There is a contact form on their website.

Personally, I never understaood the need for a separate tent bag unless you need so much capacity that you cannot simply secure the tent to the top of the rear rack.

Offline RandomGuyOnABike

Re: FYI: Axiom GrandTour Modular Bags (Warning?)
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2014, 01:45:28 pm »
Reason why I went for this setup notwithstanding, that was my thought. Why advertise something that does not work? Now that I think about it, it may be that I have 2 different revisions of the bags.

At some point this week when I have the opportunity, going to head to the bike shop and demo the problem for them, at which point they'll take some pics and get in touch with Axiom.

I'll keep this post updated with what I find out.


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Re: FYI: Axiom GrandTour Modular Bags (Warning?)
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2014, 01:09:04 pm »
Why advertise something that does not work? Now that I think about it, it may be that I have 2 different revisions of the bags.

I think that is exactly what you will find. The current version of the tent bag fits the current version of the panniers and either your panniers or tent bag are/is an earlier model.

Offline RandomGuyOnABike

Re: FYI: Axiom GrandTour Modular Bags (Warning?)
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2014, 07:04:01 pm »
Ok, as promised, here is the update on the bags/tent bag issue:

It seems that the dealership that my bike store goes through got some "erroneous" bags. They (the dealership) offered to replace my 60L bags with 45L bags (umm.. no); so I instead opted to wait for the RMA process from Axiom. The bags came in today, I have them mounted, and the bags have the correct clips; so all is well on that end.


The issue still remains where the clips that the bag system uses is too small and prone to unsnapping. My current resolution to this issue is to loop a bungee cord from the rear of the (rear) rack, around the tent bag, through the pannier bottom loop (I may instead route through the top loop), and then to the front of the rear rack. It seems stable, though I'm going to test it out this weekend to confirm. Since bungee's are elastic, I may also end up going with my original quick-fix; which was to use a strap to secure it, we'll see.