Author Topic: South from Columbus,OH Somewhere Awesome in TN or KY???  (Read 6074 times)

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Offline jpatty98

South from Columbus,OH Somewhere Awesome in TN or KY???
« on: August 14, 2014, 10:52:04 pm »
Looking for ideas for next years bike trip. (Summer 2015)

2011, 2012, 2013 we went from CLE to TORONTO
2104 we went from TOLEDO to CHICAGO (via Muskegon, MI  Ferry)

Now, we want to go south from Columbus to some cool Lake house and/or House boat destination in Kentucky  or Tennessee , which would be a 3-4 day trip of 250 - 400 miles.  Our wives would meet us at the lake house in ??, so it would be a 3 or 4 day trip and then a 2 or 3 day hangout before driving in a car home.  Wouldn't mind being close to Nashville so we could go hangout there for day.

ANY Ideas?  I have never been down in the lake house areas of Tenn.  / Kentucky. so any advice would be appreciated.


Offline Pat Lamb

Re: South from Columbus,OH Somewhere Awesome in TN or KY???
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2014, 09:12:33 am »
Not quite sure what you're asking for.  When you say lake house in Tennessee, I think of people living in a nice house on the lake near the city they work; a marina or state park with a lodge and perhaps cabins; or people who own a second (or third) house on a lake for weekend retreats and parties.  Are you thinking of concentrations of something like a time-share condo, except it's a house on a lake?

Offline jpatty98

Re: South from Columbus,OH Somewhere Awesome in TN or KY???
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2014, 10:36:47 am »
Not quite sure what I am looking for either, but it would be a rental of some kind.

Just wondering if anyone had knowledge or ideas for travelling that general direction and distance.


Offline Pat Lamb

Re: South from Columbus,OH Somewhere Awesome in TN or KY???
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2014, 11:13:19 am »
OK, so, lakes in the area.

I remember a lodge at Kentucky's Falls of the Rough state park; you might check to see if they have rental cabins there.  Sorry, that's about my limit of knowledge for Kentucky.

Otherwise, you'll have to search for rental houses at some of the lakes.  Tennessee has lots of lakes, thanks mostly to TVA.  Off the top of my head, near Nashville, you have Percy Priest Lake; further upstream on the Cumberland, Dale Hollow is in gorgeous terrain.  Land Between the Lakes is a popular destination for RVers and fishermen, check also on Kentucky and Barkley Lakes.  You'll at least find marinas, I don't know if they have short-term cabins.  Pickwick Landing and Watts Bar Lakes have a fair bit of touristy things around them, as does Guntersville in Alabama.  There may be something on Norris Lake and Douglas Lake in eastern Tennessee.  On most of the rest of the TVA lakes, you'll have to look for a state park that might have cabins or more isolated rentals.

Offline DaveB

Re: South from Columbus,OH Somewhere Awesome in TN or KY???
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2014, 06:19:04 pm »
Your first job is to locate the house or condo you want to rent. Then, perhaps a route from Columbus to there can be recommended.  Contact the KY or TN visitors bureaus and ask for recommendations for places you want to consider.

As to getting to KY from Columbus, the annual TOSRV route from Columbus to Portsmouth, Ohio is well known and very bicycle friendly.  From there the US23 bridge crosses the Ohio river into KY and you can plan from there.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 06:21:38 pm by DaveB »