Author Topic: Bicycle Tour  (Read 7049 times)

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Offline CyclingSingle

Bicycle Tour
« on: July 01, 2014, 02:55:40 pm »
Next year I have decided to go on my very first solo bike tour. And I will be visiting three states while I am out there just to see family and friends.
I'll be traveling to Montana Headquarters first because I always wanted to see the kind people there. The next state will be Washington Tri States and San Jose and Hollywood California. My main question is are there actual Adventure Cycling maps for those routes that I will be going on ? I have looked at different maps from ACA but I can't seem to find the rights once and there is always the option of using Google Maps and I could buy myself a bike gps unit.
I would like to hear everyone's option about this and what is the best routes and safest roads to travel on ? I'll even consider going around the long way to make it safer but anything will help.

Thank you

Ride to Live, Live to Ride

Offline staehpj1

Re: Bicycle Tour
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2014, 03:28:50 pm »
I'll be traveling to Montana Headquarters first because I always wanted to see the kind people there.

Do you mean you will be starting there?  If not where will you be starting your tour?

I have looked at different maps from ACA but I can't seem to find the rights once and there is always the option of using Google Maps and I could buy myself a bike gps unit.

There are a number of options to get from Missoula to the coast.  Pick the one that best suits you plans  I'd recommend the Pacific Coast route south from there.

I recommend really looking at the specs before buying a bike gps.  The batteries are usually internal and don't last all that long.  I have had better luck using a handheld model that you can change batteries in.

Using a smartphone is another option.  You can carry spare phone batteries and/or a "power wallet".  I recommend turning the phone part of the smartphone off except when actually making a call.  If you use map software  for your phone that lets you pre download the maps you need you can run in airplane mode saving battery life.  Phone batteries die really fast when there is no signal and they are searching for one.

Offline CyclingSingle

Re: Bicycle Tour
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2014, 03:36:10 pm »
Maybe I also should have added that I will be starting from Provo Utah going to Montana and Washington and California.
Ride to Live, Live to Ride

Offline staehpj1

Re: Bicycle Tour
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2014, 04:28:34 pm »
Not sure how best to get from Provo, but you could probably join the Trans America somewhere east or north of there.  The TA is a nice and well established route and would have the advantage of having resources that are well scoped out and also you would probably meet a few folks riding the TA, most days depending on when you go.

If you go to Missoula you could wait to scope out the rest of the route until after seeing the maps for the various options.  I am pretty sure Adventure Cycling staff would help you with that while you were there.

For the Oregon portion of the coast I recommend picking up the Oregon DOT bike map for the coast.  The bike shops there usually have them for free, but if you go to the ODOT website they will mail you one.   You can also download a pdf of the map.   BTW, the Oregon section is one of my favorite routes.

Offline RussSeaton

Re: Bicycle Tour
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2014, 04:40:08 pm »
Go to the page below and click on the following routes:
Lewis & Clark
Northern Tier
Transamerica Trail
Pacific Coast

The Transamerica and Lewis&Clark routes both go through Missoula.  Missoula is the home of Adventure Cycling.  The Northern Tier route is about 150 miles north of Missoula.  I am sure the people at Adventure Cycling could tell you which roads to take to get up to the Northern Tier route.  The Pacific Coast route goes down the coast.  Getting from Provo Utah you will have to ride east to meet up with the Transamerica route.  Or go north to Missoula Montana.  Couple hundred miles.  State maps should work fine.  Lewis&Clark, Transamerica, Northern Tier all go over to the Portland or Seattle area.  Meeting up with the Pacific Coast route.  Adventure Cycling sells maps for all of the mentioned routes.