Author Topic: Packing a DSLR?  (Read 15115 times)

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Offline Ty0604

Re: Packing a DSLR?
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2015, 03:18:28 pm »
A handlebar bag with a bit of cushioning under the camera.  An article of clothing does the trick for the padding.  My DSLR did fine that way on the Trans America.

I decided it was just too much camera to carry and went to a 4:3 Olympus Pen EPL1.  It is much lighter, the lens selection is fine, and it takes great pictures.

That said my phone takes such good pictures that it is all I usually take camera wise.  I find that other than missing longer lenses once in a while the phone is fine.

Agreed. I sold my camera after getting my iPhone 6. While I can't zoom in as far the picture quality is incredible. Always carry a blank USB with me to transfer photos to when the phone inevitably gets full during my trips.
Instagram: tyjames0604


Offline mzaremsk

Re: Packing a DSLR?
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2015, 11:33:17 am »
I carry my Canon with a 17mm to 270mm zoom on a chest mount cotton carrier. I have quick access for shots. I put a rain cover over it during wet conditions.

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