Author Topic: Great Divide Montana: Basin To Butte New (Excellent) Route - not in addenda  (Read 4467 times)

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Offline randyfay

FYI, the excellent new route from Basin, MT to Butte MT described in the latest version of "Cycling the Great Divide" by Mike McCoy  is *not* shown on the most recent map and is not mentioned in the addenda. It's highly recommended, as it avoids a bunch of interstate and interstate-frontage-road riding. Great new route. (Congrats to Mike on the excellent new routing).

Adv Cycling folks: Please mention the new route in the addenda at least, thanks! I'm sure it will be in the next version of the map, but it would be great to at least have it mentioned in the addenda now.

Note that the Tour Divide 2014 gpx *does* follow the new route. (See, the 2014 10K file, I also captured the route from Ladysmith Campground (mile 2.6 of Day7 21) to Butte at

Offline RadioFlyer

Hey Randy, thanks for the headsup on the alternate path! Anyways I really want to attempt the great divide but won't have time to get out there until early September. Do you think it will still be doable, weather-wise if I started September 1st? Anything you could relay would be greatly appreciated, thanks again!

Offline CMajernik

You are wrong about the Basin to Butte re-route not being shown on the most recent map. It is shown - all the 6 U.S. maps were updated and reprinted in May 2014. The re-route doesn't show on the 2011 maps.
Carla Majernik
Routes and Mapping Program Director

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x218, 406/721-8754 fax

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline randyfay

Thanks -

Might it be possible to mention important reroutes like this in the 2011 map addenda?

I had been under review mistaken impression that since I bought my maps from aca just before my 2014 trip that I had the latest, but apparently the 2014 maps started shipping after that.
