Author Topic: IHSMBR - Willow Creek Singletrack Option  (Read 5403 times)

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IHSMBR - Willow Creek Singletrack Option
« on: August 20, 2014, 01:03:00 pm »
From the Boise National Forest:

The Boise National Forest had significant intense rain in early August and many roads and trails are a “mess” with debris flows, deep washouts, and logs/rocks across roads and trails.  In some cases rain fell at 1 inch/hour, with some of it falling on recently burned and minimally vegetated land – the mountains moved!
Mountain bike riders should check with the Boise NF web page for the latest on official road closures, which currently number seven.
From Atlanta, Forest Road 207  along Flint Creek is closed to the Flint Trail trailhead.
Call the Mountain Home Ranger District for updated information at 208-587-7961.
Cartographer - Adventure Cycling Association