Author Topic: Busiest ACA or other trail intersection?  (Read 16285 times)

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Offline oldgroundhog

Re: Busiest ACA or other trail intersection?
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2014, 01:08:42 pm »
Have you cycled the Natchez Trace?  The N.T. is a 444 mile Parkway from Nashville, TN to Natchez, MS.   It's a beautiful ride, speed limit is 50mph, commercial traffic is banned, and there's little traffic.  I've ridden it three times.

If you are considering "Warm Showers on steroids", then consider the Natchez Trace.  Hundreds of cyclists ride it each year. 

Perhaps it would be an opportunity to build a small 'Host Facility' for touring cyclists.  A building to shower, cook, etc.  You could expand it into sleeping accommodations as your budget and time allow.

Hope you find the perfect spot.  We touring cyclists say 'Thank You' for providing a place for us!

Offline kukula

Re: Busiest ACA or other trail intersection?
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2014, 12:51:43 am »
I too dream of opening a little hostel / cafe / bike shop / bookstore at some nice bike route intersection. And also of riding the Natchez Trace.

How about where the Natchez Trace crosses MS route 25, near Tishomingo. The Underground Railroad route splits/joins there, I think. Looks like there is an ATV shop there.

Yeah, ride through all these places first, then you can make a decision where to plunge in. What fun!