This is directly from the Boise National Forest:
The Boise National Forest had significant intense rain in early August and many roads and trails are a “mess” with debris flows, deep washouts, and logs/rocks across roads and trails. In some cases rain fell at 1 inch/hour, with some of it falling on recently burned and minimally vegetated land – the mountains moved!
Mountain bike riders should check with the Boise NF web page for the latest on official road closures, which currently number seven.
The Middle Fork Boise River Road is closed officially from Twin Springs upriver to the Swanholm road junction. The suggested re-route is Granite Creek, to Deer Park to Swanholm road junction with the MF Boise River. The road will most likely be closed through October due to the total washout of nearly ½ mile of road into the river and the challenge to repair that.
The Phifer Creek road (Forest Road 156) is open from the MF Boise River, through Rocky Bar to Featherville. If you have interest in deviating off FS Road 156 onto FS Road 129 be aware there are ongoing hazard tree/salvage timber sale operations and it is very hazardous to ride that road.
Within the hazard/salvage area, when a barricade is posted advising of a delay, be patient and wait for the operator to wave you through. If you go beyond the barricade and the operator doesn’t know you are there, you could be injured or worse!
From Atlanta, Forest Road 207 along Flint Creek is closed to the Flint Trail trailhead.
Call the Mountain Home Ranger District for updated information at 208-587-7961.