Author Topic: IHSMBR - (more) LANDSLIDES - Main Route: Idaho City - Featherville  (Read 12103 times)

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Offline cgreene

In addition to the south fork Boise river, the middle fork Boise river has experienced a slide and is closed.

I will have more info when I get back into the office tomorrow, but for now:
Cartographer - Adventure Cycling Association

Offline cgreene

Cartographer - Adventure Cycling Association

Offline cgreene

Re: IHSMBR - (more) LANDSLIDES - Main Route: Idaho City - Featherville
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2014, 11:43:15 am »
Here is a report from over on with the current pass-ability of the Middle Fork Rd in bold:

"Hi all,
I just finished the route this morning, starting/finishing in Ketchum. The slide on 268 is still passable on foot, look for a trail marked in pink ribbon high above the washed out road.  I missed the start of it, but picked it up after some intense side hilling on the loose bank.  227 is still being worked on but is easily walked through with your bike..........some crew guys were just finishing up and were totally cool with bikers and knew about the route and that bikers would need to get past.  The Dollarhide Summit was totally rideable with only a small section on the Ketchum side being nearly finished for vehicles.  I hope this helps.  I would hate to see riders taking long detours for no reason.  I plan to do a little write up of my trip later...........celebrations commencing shortly!"
Cartographer - Adventure Cycling Association

Offline cgreene

Re: IHSMBR - (more) LANDSLIDES - Main Route: Idaho City - Featherville
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2014, 12:22:27 pm »
The Boise National Forest just called to let me know that the Middle Fork Rd./268 is still closed, and probably will be for the remainder of the riding season. They are going to be moving fast to get this fixed before winter, as it is the main (only) supply line to Atlanta during that season.

We discussed alternative routing and their thinking was the same as mine: use 327 up and over Rabbit Creek Summit, through Barber Flat and Deer Park, and down Swanholm Creek Rd/327 to the junction of Phifer Creek Rd and the Middle Fork Road. These roads are fully open and have had no slides on them.

Also, there has been some logging around the junction of Phifer Creek Rd./156 and FR 129. Please use caution as it seems a cyclist was almost hit by a falling tree. This was not the cyclist's fault as there were no flaggers out blocking traffic - something I told the FS the loggers need to do. They agreed, and were going to talk to them, but regardless, still use caution.
Cartographer - Adventure Cycling Association

Offline cgreene

Re: IHSMBR - (more) LANDSLIDES - Main Route: Idaho City - Featherville
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2014, 01:01:34 pm »
This is directly from the Boise National Forest:

The Boise National Forest had significant intense rain in early August and many roads and trails are a “mess” with debris flows, deep washouts, and logs/rocks across roads and trails.  In some cases rain fell at 1 inch/hour, with some of it falling on recently burned and minimally vegetated land – the mountains moved!
Mountain bike riders should check with the Boise NF web page for the latest on official road closures, which currently number seven.
The Middle Fork Boise River Road is closed officially from Twin Springs upriver to the Swanholm road junction.  The suggested re-route is Granite Creek, to Deer Park to Swanholm road junction with the MF Boise River. The road will most likely be closed through October due to the total washout of nearly ½ mile of road into the river and the challenge to repair that.
The Phifer Creek road (Forest Road 156) is open from the MF Boise River, through Rocky Bar to Featherville.  If you have interest in deviating off FS Road 156 onto FS Road 129 be aware there are ongoing hazard tree/salvage timber sale operations and it is very hazardous to ride that road.
Within the hazard/salvage area, when a barricade is posted advising of a delay, be patient and wait for the operator to wave you through. If you go beyond the barricade and the operator doesn’t know you are there, you could be injured or worse!
From Atlanta, Forest Road 207  along Flint Creek is closed to the Flint Trail trailhead.
Call the Mountain Home Ranger District for updated information at 208-587-7961.
Cartographer - Adventure Cycling Association

Offline LouMelini

Re: IHSMBR - (more) LANDSLIDES - Main Route: Idaho City - Featherville
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2014, 10:40:10 pm »
I just finished the IHSMBR:  Many thanks to whoever was responsible for cutting the trail above the road washout. Great route; I have a lot of road touring experience so the IHSMBR was harder than I expected but I hope to do it again some day.

Louis Melini

Offline jodyfurtney

Re: IHSMBR - (more) LANDSLIDES - Main Route: Idaho City - Featherville
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2014, 11:27:26 am »
My husband and I bikepacked this route for the first two weeks in September. For the road closure on the Middle Fork of the Boise, we crossed the river (which was kind of sketchy because the river was reasonably high) and then had this crazy bushwhack for 1/2 mile along river left (opposite side of the river from where the road used to be).  Anyway, it was a quicksand mucky mess.  Took us 2 hours to go 1/2 mile.  I wouldn't recommend that.  But the river right side (where the road used to be) looked super sketchy too, basically a pretty sheer slope where if you missed, it was a nasty fall directly into the river.  We didn't see a trail.  At any rate, wanted to provide feedback for our experience. Hopefully they get the road fixed this fall!  It was great biking because there was no traffic with the road being closed! Although we did have to get our bikes tuned up in Ketchum because the mud did its magic on the gears and shifting.