Author Topic: Trike the US 15,000 mile trike ride!!  (Read 8862 times)

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Offline privatesoldier13

Trike the US 15,000 mile trike ride!!
« on: November 13, 2014, 09:08:27 am »
Hello everyone. I am in the finial phase of panning a 15,000 miles ( or more ) trip across the U.S and I am a stand still for a few reasons. I am currently over seas serving in the Army and with the limited time I have  down it make it really hard to research the things i need to. I have good ideas on how to put things together but I am also looking to get my crew and I sponsored. There are 5 riders including me and we plan on stopping at all the major tourist stops and capture the beauty of the U.S . The gear that I have is that follows
Catrike Expedition
Burley Nomad Cargo Trailer
Garmin 1000 cycle GPS 
Parrot AR Drone 2.0
Go-Pro Hero 4 Silver (Surf edition)
I have talked to my crew about similar gear that they are getting and they are in the process of obtaining the necessary items. Once or before I get back to the states I'll have a website created called I am not against other riders joining me on my great adventure in fact i welcome it!! If there is someone or organisations that will be willing to assist me with the funds for gear I will help them out as much as they have helped me ie: wear their logos, putting their name on my gear where everyone can see, talk to people at different cities that I will be stopping at, adding them onto my website pretty much anything. Any ideas or help to get me along the way will be more than thankful. I'm planning on starting my trip around March of 2017 ( right around the corner). Once I get back to the U.S  I plan on doing small tour around the area that I am stationed to get a feel how how the days and night will be like, but I have been riding bikes my whole life and excited to do this trip and see what's in our backyard that we all live in. Thank you for reading and I hope to get some responses from my fellow cyclists :)