Author Topic: Connecting Northern Tier to North Lakes via Minnesota 200?  (Read 10046 times)

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Offline KF8MO

Connecting Northern Tier to North Lakes via Minnesota 200?
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:43:31 pm »
We live in both Alberta and Michigan, and plan to ride our tandem from one house to the other. We'll more or less follow the Great Parks North route down to Glacier, and pick up the Northern Tier, then the North Lakes route. Looking at the map, it seems sensible to jump off the Northern Tier at Walker, take Minnesota state road 200 directly east to US 2, and follow that until it becomes the North Lakes route. This plan would avoid going south to Osceola then back north again. Has anyone done this? Is it a reasonable ride? Thanks.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Connecting Northern Tier to North Lakes via Minnesota 200?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 05:36:48 pm »
I have not ridden those roads, but that takes you off the ACA route for 335 miles, most of it on US2. What I have ridden of US2 elsewhere was okay, but certainly not great cycling. Your suggestion saves you 150 miles or so, but you could save almost that much by not going through Walker in the first place, but instead taking the ACA alternative route through Alexandria. Besides, there's no way I'd miss Donn Olson's Adventure Bicycle Bunkhouse in Dalbo!