Author Topic: Wyoming lawmakers consider neon & lights requirement  (Read 5412 times)

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Offline RussSeaton

Re: Wyoming lawmakers consider neon & lights requirement
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2015, 01:29:47 pm »
Interesting.  I am not in favor of it.  However, there is a slight chance it could be beneficial.  Of course mandating all children only get hauled to school in 2.5 ton Chevy Suburban vehicles would also reduce the vehicle deaths of children.  I don't think that has been proposed yet.  Or mandating all vehicles be yellow or orange in color.  Again not proposed.  When riding I try to wear bright clothing.  My Pearl Izumi wind jacket is that bright yellow color.  It helps make me more visible.  I have various brightly colored jerseys.  I have NO dark black jerseys.  Shorts are all black though.  At night I always have the red blinking light going on back.  2 or 3 of them.  I want to be very visible at night, and in the day.  But safety of the rider is the least of the motives for this legislation.  I won't say what I think the real motives are.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: Wyoming lawmakers consider neon & lights requirement
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2015, 06:45:52 pm »
It's fairly obvious what the motive is.  I wonder if ACA could find some Wyoming students to study the economic impact of touring cyclists in that state?  I don't want to think about how much money I left there during my TransAm.  One cheap day, two expensive nights, one cheap day, three expensive nights...

Offline jrswenberger

Re: Wyoming lawmakers consider neon & lights requirement
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2015, 02:42:37 am »
The bill didn't make it out of's dead.
ACA Life Member 368