Author Topic: Vintage Sugino AT or New Sugino Xd600 Crankset?  (Read 4983 times)

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Vintage Sugino AT or New Sugino Xd600 Crankset?
« on: February 24, 2015, 09:44:25 pm »
Weighing the pros/cons expenses etc. as I'm contemplating using either an older Sugino AT crankset or a new Sugino XD600 on my older 1980s Miyata 610 touring bike?
I've got both, its just that I need to pick up two rings to go on my AT cranks. 
I want to keep it all 80s but quality stuff,.. I know the AT cranks are forged as are the XD600's,...both great (from what I've heard).  I'm using friction shifters, 27" tires,.. bike's pretty much all vintage.