Author Topic: Bicycling the Erie Canal  (Read 22362 times)

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Offline Longtrailahead

Bicycling the Erie Canal
« on: July 10, 2016, 09:18:47 am »
Old canalways are a great place for bicyclists hands down. Such trails offer riders a unique opportunity to go out and cycle in some incredible portions of the countryside in the states of which they are found in. I have found that these rides to be a pleasurable experience on many various fronts, as well as being extremely safe too. I have taken my own experiences on several different historic canals, and combined my experiences in a new publication which highlights all the wonders that I have found throughout.

To learn more about riding canals, kindly click on the link in order to find out more -

Offline jimhazelwood

Re: Bicycling the Erie Canal
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2016, 04:25:47 pm »
I cycled the Erie Canal trail this summer in August.  It was fantastic but the whole trail was not rideable.  The western part is in good shape from Syracuse to Niagara, but the eastern part is spotty.  Some parts are unrideable due to fallen trees, etc.

Offline John Grossbohlin

Re: Bicycling the Erie Canal
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2017, 11:24:23 pm »
If Governor Cuomo's Empire State Trail proposal survives the Legislature the Erie Canalway trail will be completed and tie into other trails. It is great that the proposal for the Hudson Valley crosses Walkway Over the Hudson at Poughkeepsie and crosses again at the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge taking the trail through Ulster County. Ulster County's trails were featured in the December 2016 National Geographic Magazine in a special pull out. Lots of good cycling in NY with more to come!