Hi, great to hear your back in work. Well, at least for a while till you hit the road again. I would imagine your not thinking being back at work for too long

My plans are still in the making. The house is still on the market due to it being sold twice to people who have tried to knock a lot of money of the price at the very last minute. It seems to be what people do these days and it isn't very nice. This last guy has told us he will still buy the house if I let him off with half an acre. He can swivel.
The yearning though is driving me crazy. I just want to go, but I need every penny I can keep to do it, and until the house sells, I have no choice but to hand around.
My plan is that I down size to a house I can renovate in Mallorca Spain. So that I know that when I return I can make some money (I'm a builder). Then I'm off, but I really hate all this waiting around.
I have to admit though, that this delay has also had some really positive parts too. I have been honing my photography skills and really studying the art. When I do take off I know I will be able to now capture some amazing memories.
The other positive is that I am no sure of exactly how I am to live on my return (if I return), and what I have to do before I leave.
I am not one for normally believing in "everything happens for a reason", but just maybe.
Glad you had an amazing time, and thanks for getting back to me. Steve