Author Topic: Atlantic Coast Section 3 maps 35-36 road closure 4/7/2015  (Read 4802 times)

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Atlantic Coast Section 3 maps 35-36 road closure 4/7/2015
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:03:58 pm »
Atlantic Coast Section 3 maps 35-36, south of Guinea, Stonewall Jackson Rd./CR 606 is closed for bridge replacement over the Poni River (labeled "Po" River on maps) until approx. Jun 2016. For more updates, check the project website:
For a detour around the closure, see this Google Map: Note that this detour utilizes more heavily trafficked US Highway 1 for 3 miles,  and passes through the full service town of Thornburg instead of entering Guinea.

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer