Author Topic: Good routes from Bremerton to Astoria?  (Read 22107 times)

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Offline Z-man

Good routes from Bremerton to Astoria?
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:13:48 pm »
Does anyone have good current information on roads that are safe (i.e. I won't get squished by logging trucks) between Bremerton and Willapa Bay to Astoria? I am thinking about a bike/camping trip at the end of May for 3-4 nights. My bike can handle some dirt and gravel but would prefer mostly paved (and as little chip seal as possible).
Thanks in advance if you can help.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Good routes from Bremerton to Astoria?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2015, 03:31:17 am »
ACA Pacific Coast Route, Section 1. Goes through Shelton, Elma and Toledo. Crosses the Columbia via ferry. All paved.

Offline Z-man

Re: Good routes from Bremerton to Astoria?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2015, 11:15:13 am »
Thanks John...I was hoping to get further west to the Coast down through Raymond and Willapa Bay and then down to Astoria. But thanks for the heads up and will follow ACA to Elma at least.

Offline Itinerant Harper

Re: Good routes from Bremerton to Astoria?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2015, 02:30:32 pm »
Here’s a link to a Google Map with my preferred route from Bremerton to Long Beach:

This has some great riding along Hood Canal, through the woods and small little towns and is still pretty direct. I’ve done it in two-three days, staying in Shelton (slightly off the route) or camping at Potlatch State park. I’d personally do it over three days staying at Potlatch, then Lake Sylvia and finally Long Beach. With a lighter load you can definitely do this route in two days.  From Long Beach it's just 101 to Astoria (across the harrowing Astoria Bridge) and 101 down the coast in OR as far as you want to go. Pick up the Cycling OR map which has tons of great resources on it.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 11:37:34 am by Itinerant Harper »

Offline Itinerant Harper

Re: Good routes from Bremerton to Astoria?
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2015, 11:50:29 am »
One thing I should add about the above route, is that 101 between Cosmopolis and Raymond isn't the most ideal. Definitely fine if you need  a more direct route (the person I put that route together for originally needed a shorter route) but it won't be the most scenic and logging truck free. So this route which takes 105 to the coast and around the peninsula to Raymond adds some miles but is more scenic and gets to the Pacific Ocean.

Since I was editing the maps I removed Seattle and added Astoria so you can see the whole route. At 200 miles this could easily be a nice 3-4 day trip, preferably 4. Don't miss Cape Disappointment State Park and the endless beaches up around Twin Harbors or Grayland Beach State Parks. There are definitely a few cutoffs and options if you want to shave off a few miles, but they often will have more logging traffic and/or worse roads. Most of them are fine though in my experience. This is definitely the most scenic route between Seattle and Astoria.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 11:55:37 am by Itinerant Harper »

Offline Z-man

Re: Good routes from Bremerton to Astoria?
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2015, 12:49:51 am »
Itinerant Harper: Thanks so much this is fantastic! I really appreciate it. BTW I am actually needing to end up in PDX so I will need to either add miles to the days or cut some of the time off...but this is really what I was looking for!   :)

Offline johnsondasw

Re: Good routes from Bremerton to Astoria?
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2015, 01:33:07 pm »
I have ridden all these roads over the past 30+ years.  I would take HWY 3 from Bremerton to Shelton, then be sure to take the little country road up through Matlock.  This is the gem of the route, and it is paved.  There will be little traffic and lots of woods and local character. Then go through Aberdeen and out to Grayland, as others have mentioned.  From there, Raymond, South Bend, Naselle and across the Astoria bridge.  I rode the bridge in the almost dark, in the rain, and did not find it so harrowing. It is the only place I've ever seen a road-kill starfish, though.  I would have a mirror, of course, but I always have one no matter where I'm riding. This is all a great ride, and I've never felt any real danger on any of it.  Have fun, and don't miss Matlock!
May the wind be at your back!

Offline Z-man

Re: Good routes from Bremerton to Astoria?
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2015, 11:30:49 am »
Thanks again for the advice. Just got back to Seattle and the trip went flawlessly thanks to your suggestions. I followed the route mostly suggested by "Itinerant Harper"   Except I  took the Shelton Matlock road as "johnsondasw" suggested and it was indeed an empty road great for cycling. From Matlock I went down past Schafer State Park and hit Brady and from Brady to Montesano on the old HWY definitely not HWY 12. I then went down 107 but skipped the Preachers Creek Trail as it was too gnarly for my bike but only after a mile or so past the trail-head caught Blue Slough Road into Cosmopolis.  I Then followed the rest of the route  from there suggested by Itinerant Harper. The southern end of the Long Beach Peninsula is great but I wished I had an extra day to ride up to the northern end of the Peninsula and Leadbetter Point SP. 

Also there is now an 8 mile paved Bike trail at the bottom of the Long Beach Peninsula called the Discovery trail and takes you out to Cape Disappointment SP. Its a wonder. Here's the link :

 From Astoria to Portland I took 202/47 to Vernonia and then the awesome Vernonia to Banks paved bike trail through lush forests. Banks to PDX just followed google maps. Total ride was 358 miles 6 full days of riding and 5 nights.   Ed Zuckerman