Author Topic: How heavy is your touring bike (unloaded)?  (Read 27896 times)

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Offline jamawani

Re: How heavy is your touring bike (unloaded)?
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2015, 11:39:28 am »
She ain't heavy, she's my sister.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: How heavy is your touring bike (unloaded)?
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2015, 02:53:03 pm »
Anyway, I'll weigh my bike when I get the chance, just so I know.

Better yet, wait until you've got a tour under your tires.  You may wonder how heavy everything is, but if you know how much you're lugging, it'll weigh on you mentally (pardon the pun).  After your toured with it, you can look at the bike and think, "I rode X miles on that, and climbed Y feet over Z pass, I can do my next trip on it.  I know it'll carry me and my load with no worries."

Don't worry about the weight.  Now go for a training ride!

Offline Venchka

Re: How heavy is your touring bike (unloaded)?
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2015, 03:26:53 pm »

Co-Motion Americano. 26.5 pounds with bottle cages, Cateye speedo & Jandd handlebar bag bracket. I just replaced the heavy 34.6 mm Conti Top Touring 2000 tires with 38mm X'Plor MSO tires. I reckon I lost about half a pound from the wheels.
Fisher HK-II. 30 pounds nekkid. My other touring possibility. It needs lighter tires too.
Decisions. Decisions.


Sent from somewhere around here.
Co-Motion Americano Update:
Bike in Century riding mode: handlebar bag with tools, spares & unneeded stuff, frame pump, cages & 2.5 liters of water, front rack.
Me in riding kit.
Front & rear panniers, empty.
Total: 200.0 pounds.
Camping gear: Tent, Sleeping bag+mattress +pillow, Kitchen, Fuel.
Total: 10 pounds.
Need to add: Rear rack, clothing, phone, navigation system, food.
Aiming to keep the total under 235 pounds.
Intended route: GDMBR.
Or lots of pavement in the same vicinity if that doesn't work out.
My best weight reduction plan so far:
Losing 40+ pounds of rider weight.


Sent from somewhere around here.
Deep in the darkest heart of the East Texas Rain Forest.
You've come far pilgrim...Feels like far...Were it worth the trouble?...Huh? What trouble?