Author Topic: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin  (Read 26470 times)

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Offline Krampus Snail

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2015, 11:06:17 pm »
The first southbound Tour Divide racers have gotten through the new reroute from Atlantic City to the Colorado border. Turns out it's a lot faster for the racers.  The section was five and a half hours faster, 11.5 hours for the Wamsutter route versus 16 hours for the Rawlins route, for Jay Petervary, the record holder and current race leader.

Offline Venchka

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2015, 09:04:15 pm »
No doubt the folks in Wamsutter appreciate the visitors patronizing the local businesses. I also read at Bikepacking forum about a solar well 40 miles from Wamsutter. Is that well listed in the new route information?
One of these days I'll get there. Assuming that I can ever decide which bike to ride.


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Offline Krampus Snail

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2015, 12:16:26 am »
I've heard about the solar well, but don't know exactly where it is on the route. I don't have the Tour Divide cues, just the route.

Offline Venchka

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2015, 12:29:32 am »
Hopefully someone who is riding the TD will share the location with the rest of us.


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Offline bergersride

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2015, 11:50:27 am »
Based on the TD cue sheets I think this is the location:

If anyone who has actually been there could confirm that would be great.

Offline Venchka

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2015, 07:27:33 pm »
Thank you!


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Offline Venchka

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2015, 07:45:17 pm »
Visual confirmation of the solar powered cattle & cyclists watering hole 38 miles north of Wamsutter.

Does this reroute bypass the Brush Mountain Lodge? It seems like I saw photos of this year's TD riders at the lodge, I wanted to be sure.
One more question. Is this reroute going to be permanent? It makes sense.


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Offline mathieu

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2015, 08:51:16 am »
Does this reroute bypass the Brush Mountain Lodge?
One more question. Is this reroute going to be permanent? It makes sense.

Going southbound, the reroute joins the old route near Slater, just below the WY/CO state line. From there you have the option to take either the main route through Routt N.F., which passes Brush Mountain Lodge, or the Columbine Alternate.

Permanent? That probably depends on the developments south of Rawlins, i.e. wind energy parks and gas & oil exploitation. The less quiet dirt road remains, the more sensible to make the reroute permanent. Obviously Rawlins has more services than Wamsutter. The Adventure Cycling map makers will decide..

Offline Venchka

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2015, 07:18:44 pm »
If not permanent, then an approved alternate. Limited reviews from TD 2015 riders said that Wamsutter had everything one needed and several hours shorter than Rawlins.
Thanks for confirming that the Lodge is still on the route.


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Deep in the darkest heart of the East Texas Rain Forest.
You've come far pilgrim...Feels like far...Were it worth the trouble?...Huh? What trouble?

Offline bergersride

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2015, 12:38:39 pm »
We rode the Wamsutter route about a week ago and it was one of the highlights of the trip so far, I would highly recommend it.  I have updated this map with all of the water sources we found. 

- We camped by the Sweetwater River which was flowing strongly. 
- Keep an eye out for the Diagnus Well, its hard to see from the road.
- The reservoir on Bison Basin Rd is not on the actual race route, its on the short road alternative which connects to the race route.
- Camped at the solar well on Bison Basin Rd, it was not pumping while we were there but plenty of water, was cloudy and rainy so maybe the solar panels needed more sun.
- The solar well on Wamsutter-Crooks Gap Rd looks temporary, the panels were on a trailer, right next to the road, pumping with plenty of water
- Wamsutter has a Loves truck stop and good Mexican restaurant but not much else, pretty grim
- The only water we saw between Wamsutter and Savery was a small pond, about a quarter mile off the road, we didn't need it but access would be difficult
- The terrain between Wamsutter and Savery is much more difficult than Atlantic City to Wamsutter and virtually no water, carry as much as you can

More route details at or @bergersride on Instagram


Offline tex232

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2015, 12:10:49 am »
We rode the Wamsutter route about a week ago and it was one of the highlights of the trip so far, I would highly recommend it.  I have updated this map with all of the water sources we found. 

- We camped by the Sweetwater River which was flowing strongly. 
- Keep an eye out for the Diagnus Well, its hard to see from the road.
- The reservoir on Bison Basin Rd is not on the actual race route, its on the short road alternative which connects to the race route.
- Camped at the solar well on Bison Basin Rd, it was not pumping while we were there but plenty of water, was cloudy and rainy so maybe the solar panels needed more sun.
- The solar well on Wamsutter-Crooks Gap Rd looks temporary, the panels were on a trailer, right next to the road, pumping with plenty of water
- Wamsutter has a Loves truck stop and good Mexican restaurant but not much else, pretty grim
- The only water we saw between Wamsutter and Savery was a small pond, about a quarter mile off the road, we didn't need it but access would be difficult
- The terrain between Wamsutter and Savery is much more difficult than Atlantic City to Wamsutter and virtually no water, carry as much as you can

More route details at or @bergersride on Instagram

Hmm, is it possible to get Google maps to export those points as gpx? I don't see any way from the maps mobile app...

Offline bergersride

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2015, 12:21:38 am »
I can't upload gpx files to the forum, send me an email and I'll send the gpx to you


Offline tex232

Re: Great Divide: Tour Divide's 2015 reroute around the Great Basin
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2015, 10:34:00 pm »
In Wamsutter now at the truck stop, may look into one of the supposesly terrible hotels rather than load up and head out.  The headwinds ere a pain today, at least they didn't start up in earnest until later in the afternoon..

The TD route was pretty good, not sure why they called that one section "technical singletrack" as it was not technical at all. Great views and lots of antelope.