I am planning on doing a 9-12 month tour next year with my 10 lb dog on the back of my bike. I am starting in the Portland, OR area and have destinations in CA, AZ, TX, NY, and KY (and possibly WA). I have a tentative route and departure date, but I would love some input on revisions or alternate routes.
I plan to leave from Portland in January (this is flexible, I am trying to time things based on weather overall) and heading south on the Pacific coast route to San Diego. I had considered taking the Sierra Cascade route, but the mountain passes would be a problem in the winter, whereas on the coast I would only have rains and flooding.
I would plan to leave on the southern tier March and probably go all the way to the Atlantic in March and April. From there I would head north on the Atlantic coast route to NY. I would either go back down the coast or take an alternate route to connect to the transam by the beginning of July, with the plan to hit the west coast by the end of September.
I am essentially planning two months for each coast, two months for the southern tier, and three months for the transam. I planned much of my timing around the ST, as I figured avoiding that heat would be priority. In trade I will hit crappy weather on the west coast and a lot of heat on the TA.
Any suggested revisions or alternative routes or times?