Author Topic: Challenge Strada Tires?  (Read 3861 times)

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Offline jbennett

Challenge Strada Tires?
« on: July 15, 2015, 09:11:08 am »
Wondering if anyone has any experiences using these for touring? 

Offline Venchka

Re: Challenge Strada Tires?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2015, 01:48:17 pm »
 I can't comment on the Strada.
However, the Challenge Gravel Grinder 38 x 700 tire has earned high praise from folks who ride mixed surfaces. They really well with relatively low pressure which makes for a nice smooth ride. Worth considering if they fit your frame.

I installed the similar Clement X'PLOR MSO 40 x 700 on my touring bike. No touring yet, but the tires are quite nice. Smooth on gravel roads (30 lbs. front/35 lbs. rear - 145 lb rider), very quiet on pavement. The MSO also comes in 32 x 700.


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