Hi Everyone!
I am planning a year journey across the country. I will be riding for charity & teaching yoga for free in prisons, with trauma patients and with terminally ill children. While working endlessly to get locations to partake, I would love to have support and companions along the way! I will be starting in NYC and head to Oregon down through California to LA. Exact route is TBD.
-Any recommended routes for NY->Oregon->Cali? If so, maybe I will contact locations (prisons and organizations) along the way to see if I can get something planned for the recommended route
-Cost of cycling across the country, time frame: 1 YEAR
-Would anyone like to join me along the way? I'm trying to raise money and will let people join me for a donation
-Has anyone made a documentary of a cycling trip? if so, what equipment did you use or what do you recommend?
-How do bring awareness to your journey for others to join or to become a part of (in anyway possible, even if they don't want to ride but would like to help and be a part of the journey/story)?
I'm starting a GoFundMe to raise money but I don't know how much money to request. I've read to many different articles on those who have cycled across the country and the budget is incredibly different for each. Since, I'm allotting a year of my life, the budget might change due to the fact that I will be documenting this journey to create a documentary and also a coffee table photo book.
Money raised will go to a prison project, childrens institute and a children's organization. I will be accepting no money along the way to teach and will be doing everything volunteer based.
Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.