Author Topic: Natchez Trace Parkway - Cell Phone Signals  (Read 9423 times)

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Offline J Allen

Natchez Trace Parkway - Cell Phone Signals
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:09:27 pm »
Anyone have any recent experience on the NTP with cell phone signals?  I'm getting inconsistent information from the internet and was considering renting a satellite phone in case of emergency.  I really don't care to do that though if there is reasonable coverage on the parkway.  My carrier is Verizon.

Offline Venchka

Re: Natchez Trace Parkway - Cell Phone Signals
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2015, 10:40:24 pm »
The Natchez Trace is hardly a wilderness trail. It does, at times, pass through rural areas. It also passes through cities. I imagine cell phone coverage to be on par with any other non-interstate highway bike route east of the Mississippi.
There will be other traffic on the Trace and Park Rangers as well.
Does anyone really need 100% phone access 100% of the time ?
Have a great trip.


Sent from somewhere around here.
Deep in the darkest heart of the East Texas Rain Forest.
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Offline mzimmerm

Re: Natchez Trace Parkway - Cell Phone Signals
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2015, 06:04:32 pm »
Just did it South to North. We have AT&T. Cell service is ok most of the way. Made posts to a blog almost every night.
Plenty of cars. Agree that you can live for an evening without a phone.
Ride is flat and boring. Unless you really like trees and swamps. should do it and enjoy it!

Offline J Allen

Re: Natchez Trace Parkway - Cell Phone Signals
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2015, 07:43:51 pm »
Thank you for the info. 

Just FYI, the reason i do NEED a phone at all times is that I have a rather unpredictable and randomly striking condition that, if it were to raise its ugly head, immediate contact with 911 would be necessary.  I try not to let it be an excuse for not doing things, but in order to do that, I need to always be prepared.

Offline mzimmerm

Re: Natchez Trace Parkway - Cell Phone Signals
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2015, 09:35:55 pm »
Got it. Understand completely. We camped several nights. Some of the parks had little to no service.
But....if you are on the parkway and spending nights at motels or B&B's in or near towns....I would guess you would be ok.
Given your situation- the satellite phone might not be a bad idea.

Offline Venchka

Re: Natchez Trace Parkway - Cell Phone Signals
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2015, 10:47:54 pm »
Verizon has better coverage. Take it from someone who lives in the woods miles from a town of any size. For total SOS coverage, use a Personal Locator Beacon, PLB for short. They work anywhere anytime.
Have a safe trip. I'm not sure where the swamps are on the Trace, but I have not traveled all of it.


Sent from somewhere around here.
Deep in the darkest heart of the East Texas Rain Forest.
You've come far pilgrim...Feels like far...Were it worth the trouble?...Huh? What trouble?

Offline mzimmerm

Re: Natchez Trace Parkway - Cell Phone Signals
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2015, 11:00:38 pm »
Cypress Swamp is a well known landmark on the Trace and is near Jackson. But "the swamp" and swamp-like conditions exist for many many miles either end of Cypress Swamp.
The Trace on the more Northern portions are rolling and much more scenic in my opinion.

Offline Venchka

Re: Natchez Trace Parkway - Cell Phone Signals
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2015, 11:54:29 pm »
That makes sense. I shall investigate Cypress Swamp. I like swamps. Thanks.


Sent from somewhere around here.
Deep in the darkest heart of the East Texas Rain Forest.
You've come far pilgrim...Feels like far...Were it worth the trouble?...Huh? What trouble?