Author Topic: Northern Tier Section 7 Map 83 - August 2015  (Read 4987 times)

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Offline backontheroad

Northern Tier Section 7 Map 83 - August 2015
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:49:17 pm »
CR 21, from Hudson Rd (I-94 south frontage road) to CR22, is closed August 3-8 from 7am to 7pm.  The road is being resurfaced. It might be possible to get through the construction areas check with the construction crew.
The best bike detour would be CR71 (Neal Ave) 2.5 miles to the west.
EB turn right onto Hudson Road, 2.5 miles turn left on CR71 (Neal Ave), 7 miles turn left om CR22 (70th St), 2.2 miles turn right on CR21.
WB turn left CR22 (70th St), 2.2 miles turn right on CR71 (Neal Ave), 7 miles turn right on Hudson Rd, 2.5 miles turn left on CR21.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 08:57:17 am by JMilyko »