Author Topic: Advice on New England/New York routes  (Read 8975 times)

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Offline heyltd

Advice on New England/New York routes
« on: August 09, 2015, 09:07:21 pm »
Next summer a friend and I are hoping to travel to Audubon's Hog Island on the coast of Maine for a Birding and Arts workshop. It's very near the Northern Tier Route at Damariscotta.  We plan to bring our touring bikes and camping gear and pedal west for perhaps a couple of weeks.  We have yet to define the exact parameters.  We are not intent on staying on the Northern Tier, which intersects the Green Mountain Loop, the Lake Champlain Bikeways, and the Adirondack Loop. We probably need to fly home from Burlington or Albany.  Anyone have any experience in that area?  I am overwhelmed with options. Your thoughts welcome as to scenic routes, pretty lakes, good campgrounds, nice B&Bs, routes to avoid or anything else. Cheers,
Linda M. from Tucson 

Offline mbattisti

Re: Advice on New England/New York routes
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 11:05:46 pm »
I have toured extensively in the NE Kingdom of VT, Lake Champlain (including islands) and am very familiar with the Adirondacks (where I live).  Of it all, I prefer the NE kingdom.  Less traveled, good pavement and shoulders for the most part, and the Vermont state parks are 5 star.  Let me know if you want more details.

Offline heyltd

Re: Advice on New England/New York routes
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2015, 10:00:33 am »
Thanks, MBATTISTI.  Looks like the eastern leg of the Green Mountain loop heads up there.  I will check it in more detail. Cheers,

Offline JayH

Re: Advice on New England/New York routes
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2015, 10:34:32 am »
The ACA's Adirondack loop can get you to Albany or close to it... also the Lake Champlain Bikeways can help for loops around Lake Champlain and/or getting to Whitehall where there is a bus station.     

You might also check out the Cross Vermont Trail which is in development but passable... it's part gravel but generally supposed to be doable in a road bike with wide tires...  (It's on my todo list)...   

VT state campgrounds are awesome, hard to go wrong with touring in new england, better if you have a gravel friendly bike, vt has some nice dirt roads off the beaten path and so do many states outside the metropolitan area. 

could also consider riding into Canada, La Route Verta has an extensive network of trails around Quebec, etc.   Or take the ferry from South Portand to Yarmouth, NS and just ride from the terminal..... Ride to Halifax, Ride to Cape Breton, etc. etc..  Do the Cabot Trail...


Offline heyltd

Re: Advice on New England/New York routes
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2015, 03:55:52 pm »
Thanks, JayH!  More good options. I didn't know there was a ferry to Nova Scotia, that's a very attractive option.  Cheers,

Offline mbattisti

Re: Advice on New England/New York routes
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2015, 04:29:48 pm »
A great resource for rides in the Kingdom is
Some of the services denoted on the maps are no longer in business as of 8.1.15 (when I completed 3 of the loops), yet there are others NOT listed such as private campgrounds, general stores, etc.

Offline JayH

Re: Advice on New England/New York routes
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2015, 07:11:58 pm »
A great resource for rides in the Kingdom is
Some of the services denoted on the maps are no longer in business as of 8.1.15 (when I completed 3 of the loops), yet there are others NOT listed such as private campgrounds, general stores, etc.

It's expensive for a car and if you actually want to buy a bunkroom but the nice thing about the Portland to NS ferry is that the ferry leaves Portland at late evening and you arrive in Yarmouth in the morning.   The return trip kind of takes a day as it leaves in the morning....   However, here's a hint since I assume you're adventurous, don't get a room, at most, reserve a seat in the upstairs deck, you'll probably have the entire space to yourself and a few other souls, bring your sleeping pad and sleeping bag and setup under the chairs...  You'll probably have the showers and bathroom to yourself... it's not a private room but its awfully cheaper than one.... 


Offline heyltd

Re: Advice on New England/New York routes
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2015, 11:45:57 pm »
Thanks again, JayH and MBattisti!  I will research the Northern Kingdom and might be in touch with you directly with more specific questions if Kathy and I decide to go that route.  Maybe I'll have to go back there more than once, because Nova Scotia via ferry sounds good too ... I have a standing invitation to stay with an aquaintance in Nova Scotia. Cheers, -Linda