Author Topic: Late summer route options Colorado to West  (Read 8097 times)

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Offline ughughwhy

Late summer route options Colorado to West
« on: September 01, 2015, 02:30:10 pm »
I started from Ohio in early-August (I couldn't leave any earlier) and am currently on the Trans Am in Newton, KS heading west.

I'm trying to figure out the feasibility of the Trans Am or Western Express and have a little time before I hit Pueblo and have to make a decision. There are general time of year travel recommendations but I can't find much information about the specific conditions late-summer/early-fall.

Trans Am
Concerns: Snowy  passes, wild fire smoke conditions in the pacific NW, park services closing
I estimate I'd make it through the rockies mid-sept but wouldn't make it into Oregon and over those last few passes until early October. I have winter gear prepped to be shipped to me at Pueblo, CO but that won't help if the passes are covered in 10 feet of snow.

Western Express
Concerns: Snowy  passes
Same concerns due to snowy passes, and with my understanding of it being a much more rural and rarely traveled route I'm concerned about being stuck at a closed mountain pass and not being able to find other transportation if necessary.

Has any one ridden them this late? Is it overly risky to attempt during this time of year?


Offline Venchka

Re: Late summer route options Colorado to West
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2015, 06:42:56 pm »
I haven't encountered snow in southern Colorado as late as the second week in October.
Unless you are going to Pueblo for a specific reason, from La Junta angle SW to Walsenburg, CO and then to Alamosa, Pagosa Springs, Durango & the Western Express. If you have time, visit Great Sand Dunes NP northeast of Alamosa.
Wolf Creek Pass is the highest pass you'll encounter before Durango. Early September will not be a problem. Not saying you won't see any snow, but this time of year it's usually light & gone quickly. Keeps the bugs away!
Southern Utah should be fine through October. No way you'll encounter 10 feet of snow. Again, snow in the fall doesn't stay on the ground long.
Good luck!

Deep in the darkest heart of the East Texas Rain Forest.
You've come far pilgrim...Feels like far...Were it worth the trouble?...Huh? What trouble?

Offline aggie

Re: Late summer route options Colorado to West
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2015, 07:10:37 pm »
It would be unusual to encounter snow in Nevada at the time you would be going through.  The weather should be just about perfect.  Cool in the morning and nice in the afternoon.  Traveled Hwy 50 many times in Sept and never encountered snow.  Cold and wet yes but no snow.  Make sure to carry enough water to make it between towns between Baker and Middle Gate.  There isn't any available except in towns.   

Offline Patco

Re: Late summer route options Colorado to West
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2015, 09:16:55 pm »
McKenzie Pass 'generally' closes early November, although there have been some earlier closings, but those are usually late October. Early to mid October? I would take the bet that the pass will be open. If it isn't, then you can always take the Santiam Pass route.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Late summer route options Colorado to West
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2015, 08:02:33 am »
If it was my trip I think I'd base the choice on personal preference and where the smoke wouldn't be too bad and not worry too much about the snow.  I'd try to make fairly good time and be prepared to possibly take a day or two off to wait for snow to melt.

I don't know what the smoke situation is likely to be at the times you would be passing through the various areas, maybe someone else can comment on that.

When/where it is likely to be cold, I'd try to avoid camping at higher elevations, staying partway down the mountain.

I hate hot weather and had plenty of it on my TA.  I think that fall on the TA would actually be nicer than a hot Summer tour there.

McKenzie Pass was mentioned...  I agree that it is likely to be open unless there is an especially early closing this year, but if it were to close Santiam Pass is plowed year round and would be a fall back option.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: Late summer route options Colorado to West
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2015, 11:35:20 am »
Not sure how fast you're riding (miles per day), so I'll use my time and guesstimate you'll hit Idaho in a month.  It might take another couple weeks to get to central Oregon.

By the first of October, there's a decent chance the cooler weather and some light showers will have suppressed the worst of the wild fires in the northwest, should you choose to take the TransAm.

OTOH, NPS campgrounds start closing down this week in Yellowstone.  It's an easy two or three day trip from Moran Junction to West Yellowstone, and it's all through national parks.  There's a Forest Service campground just east of Moran Junction if Jackson Lake is closed.  I think the next campground on route is at West Thumb, followed by Old Faithful.  What's the closure schedule for those?

Offline Venchka

Re: Late summer route options Colorado to West
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2015, 12:13:56 pm »
Not sure how fast you're riding (miles per day), so I'll use my time and guesstimate you'll hit Idaho in a month.  It might take another couple weeks to get to central Oregon.

By the first of October, there's a decent chance the cooler weather and some light showers will have suppressed the worst of the wild fires in the northwest, should you choose to take the TransAm.

OTOH, NPS campgrounds start closing down this week in Yellowstone.  It's an easy two or three day trip from Moran Junction to West Yellowstone, and it's all through national parks.  There's a Forest Service campground just east of Moran Junction if Jackson Lake is closed.  I think the next campground on route is at West Thumb, followed by Old Faithful.  What's the closure schedule for those?

Yellowstone facilities closing schedule:

The South Entrance remains open until early November. Madison CG is open until October 18. A very long day from the South Entrance.

Grand Teton NP campground closing schedule:

Lizard Creek (preferred) closes mid-September & Colter Bay closes late September. I couldn't find any dates for Flagg Ranch/Headwaters Lodge which I would say is the option of last resort.

So, the Tans-Am sounds like it is doable if you get through Yellowstone in the next 2-3 weeks. The Western Express would be most interesting.
Or, you could bypass Teton-Yellowstone parks altogether by heading west from Jackson, WY and then going north through Idaho and picking up the Trans-Am west of West Yellowstone, MT. The back roads just west of Grand Teton NP are lovely. Been there. Liked it.


Deep in the darkest heart of the East Texas Rain Forest.
You've come far pilgrim...Feels like far...Were it worth the trouble?...Huh? What trouble?